Employees who worked longer than the standard workweek received premium pay on a sliding scale from time-and-a-half to double time, depending on whether the overtime occurred on a normal workday, a weekend, or a holiday. One of the smaller areas of land can be called a state or a province. Rape and Domestic Violence: The law criminalizes rape but does not specifically address spousal rape. Their names were Alger (English: Algiers), More than 100,000 Sahrawis are estimated to be living in five refugee camps in southwestern Algeria near Tindouf. During the year, the government deported migrants to Mali. UNHCR registered more than 10,000 Syrians, but fewer than 7,000 remained registered with UNHCR as of September. change, in 1984, the new subdivisions were called wilayas. The law provides for collective bargaining by all unions, and the government permitted the exercise of this right for authorized unions. If workers face such conditions, they may renegotiate their contract or, failing that, resort to the courts. If domestic violence results in death, a judge can prescribe a life sentence. Office of the U.S. The government issued licenses and subsidies to domestic associations, especially youth, medical, and neighborhood associations. )investment in fixed capital: 38.1% (2017 est. In September a group of military veterans organized a protest in Algiers, prompting a crackdown by authorities. The new )proven reserves: 4,503,900,000,000 cubic meters (2021 est. The army began a crackdown on the FIS that spurred FIS supporters to begin attacking government targets. These observers, among others, pointed to the law as a significant source of arbitrary arrests intended to suppress political activism. According to the ministry, there were 14 accredited foreign press agencies reported during the year. Security forces routinely detained individuals who participated in unauthorized protests. The constitution provides for the right to a fair trial, but authorities did not always respect legal provisions that protect defendants rights. ), total dependency ratio: 58.5youth dependency ratio: 48.7elderly dependency ratio: 9.8potential support ratio: 10.2 (2021 est. The government said it did not take measures to specifically prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in the LGBTI community. Algeria Telephone: (213) 770-08-2000 Emergency after-hours telephone: (213) 770-08-2200 Fax: 0770-08-2299 Email: ACSAlgiers@state.gov. In May 2017 Fekhar was sentenced to five years imprisonment but in July 2017 a court in Medea reduced that sentence to two years. The government generally cooperated with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, and other persons of concern. Opposition parties also disseminated information via the internet and published communiques but stated they did not have access to the national television and radio. Nevertheless, the law prohibits unions from associating with political parties and receiving funds from foreign sources. )proven reserves: 59 million metric tons (2019 est. In January 2018 the government imposed an indefinite suspension on the importation of roughly 850 products, subject to periodic review. The Algerian League for Human Rights, a separate but licensed organization based in Constantine, had members throughout the country monitoring individual cases. The confederation also included migrants working in the country. The Wassila Network described situations in which a victim went to police to report a domestic violence incident and family members convince the victim to forgive the aggressor, resulting in no charges to the aggressor. The constitution provides workers with the right to join and form unions of their choice, provided they are citizens. The law states that a person claiming domestic abuse must visit a forensic physician for an examination to document injuries and that the physician must determine that the injuries suffered incapacitated the victim for 15 days. )$5.666 billion (2018 est. )1% (2019 est. The Ministry of Religious Affairs did the same for all religious publications. For example, some migrant parents allowed their children to be used by organized begging networks, and some families encouraged children to work in the informal sector. The ILO tried to visit during the year but had to cancel the visit when the government was unable to guarantee that they would be able to meet with independent trade unions. A bloody eight-year struggle culminated in Algerian independence in 1962. Tamanrasset Algerian state of Arab, its capital is the city of Tamanrasset, occupies the first place among the states of Algeria in By law, the age for consensual sex is 16. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and the Status of Women provided some financial support to health-care-oriented NGOs, but for many NGOs, such financial support represented a small fraction of their budgets. While the constitution provides for the separation of powers between the executive and judicial branches of government, the executive branchs broad statutory authorities limited judicial independence. In May a court sentenced him to 10 years in prison. Human rights issues included unlawful interference with privacy; laws prohibiting certain forms of expression, which were often vague, as well as criminal defamation laws; limits on freedom of the press; restrictions on the freedom of assembly and association including of religious groups; official corruption, including perceptions of lack of judicial independence and impartiality; criminalization of consensual same sex sexual conduct and security force sexual abuse of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) persons; and trafficking in persons. 1957-07-01: New department codes assigned to the thirteen departments. The government requires employers to declare their employees to the Ministry of Labor and to pay social security benefits. International Child Abductions: The country is not a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Several members were arrested on September 13 in Bejaia, including the leader of political party Jil Jadid, Soufiane Djilali. The government has mechanisms to investigate and punish abuses, but the government did not always provide public information on disciplinary or legal action against police, military, or other security force personnel. The Ministry of Interior reported in March to a Senate session that approximately 500 illegal migrants try to enter the country daily along the countrys southern borders. The CNDH had presented its first draft report to President Bouteflika, but the report had not been made public by years end. Algrienne, Biskra *, Khenchela, Tebessa, Touggourt *, An Sefra *, Geryville *, Mecheria *, Sada, Alger, Aumale, Blida, Mda, Miliana, Orlansville, Tizi-Ouzou, Batna, Bne, Bougie, Constantine, Guelma, Philippeville, Stif, Mascara, Mostaganem, Oran, Sidi Bel Abbs, Tiaret, Tlemcen. The law does not explicitly prohibit discrimination with respect to employment based on sexual orientation, HIV-positive status, or religion. )exports: 673 million kWh (2019 est. These penalties are neither sufficiently stringent nor commensurate with those prescribed for other serious crimes. The law protects union members from discrimination or dismissal based on their union activities. The countrys Jewish population numbered fewer than 200 persons. Strong social stigma towards the vulnerable groups in which HIV/AIDS was most concentratedcommercial sex workers, men who have sexual relations with men, and drug usersdeterred testing of these groups. the ANP has played a large role in the countrys politics since independence in 1962, including coups in 1965 and 1991; it was a key backer of BOUTEFLIKAs election in Generally speaking, the civil provinces were predominantly formed by taking the old departments as they were, or by splitting them into two Construction workers and domestic workers were reportedly vulnerable. Twelve new arrondissements created, making a total of 32. Webthe machine that won the war irony; Select Page. School administrators must allow migrant and refugee children to enroll in primary school through high school and require only that they present their passport and documentation showing their level of schooling from their home country. The government restricted licenses to political parties, NGOs, and other groups to hold indoor rallies or delayed permission until the eve of the event, thereby impeding publicity and outreach efforts by organizers. )male: 41.3% (2020 est. Activists reported that some postings on social media could result in arrest and questioning; observers widely understood that the intelligence services closely monitored the activities of political and human rights activists on social media sites, including Facebook. Algeria is a multiparty republic whose president, the head of state, is elected by popular vote for a five-year term. Thousands of Algerian peasants - mainly Berber men from the Kabylia region - faced with land dispossession and economic hardship under French rule migrated temporarily to France to work in manufacturing and mining during the first half of the 20th century. The constitution provides for the right of peaceful assembly, but the government continued to curtail this right. Note: in the 1998 census data, the sum of the province populations is 2 less than the reported total for Algeria. Impunity for police and security officials remained a problem, but the government provided information on actions taken against officials accused of wrongdoing. The law imposes an additional requirement that associations obtain government preapproval before accepting foreign funds. Religious workers reported that they had access to prisoners during the year and authorities allowed detainees access to religious observance. Police may make arrests without a warrant if they witness the offense. the districts. The government provided disability benefits to persons with disabilities who registered. The law presumes defendants are innocent and have the right to be present and to consult with an attorney provided at public expense if necessary. There were no reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. FIPS 10-4 Change Notice 12, dated 2007-06-11, showed the new provinces. According to human rights activists, citizens widely believed the government conducted frequent electronic surveillance of a range of citizens, including political opponents, journalists, human rights groups, and suspected terrorists. The government supported the countrys Network for the Defense of Childrens Rights (NADA). The conclusions of the 2017 ILOs Committee on the Application of Standards recommended that the government accept an ILO direct contacts mission. Status of Government Respect for Religious The first two digits are the same as the two-digit ISO province code. They also report that owners of public gathering spaces have been told not to rent their locations to certain NGOs. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and other NGOs criticized the governments use of the law to restrict peaceful assembly. Official websites use .gov. Leaders of womens organizations reported that discrimination was common and women were less likely to receive equal pay for equal work or promotions. Recent Elections: Presidential elections took place in 2014, and voters re-elected President Bouteflika for a fourth term. The French southward conquest of the entirety of Algeria proceeded throughout the 19th century and was marked by many atrocities. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. ), household consumption: 42.7% (2017 est. 1956-06-28: The three northern departments of 1955 were restored and given the status of igamies. The law affirms the religiously based practice of allowing a man to marry as many as four wives. state province algeria. Few businesses abided by the law requiring that they reserve 1 percent of jobs for persons with disabilities. ), 12.7% (2021 est. [2] Masson, Jean-Louis. Printed editions of the monthly news magazineJeune Afriquehave not been available in the country since April 23. )beer: 0.31 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. According to statistics from womens advocacy groups published in the local press, between 100 and 200 women died each year from domestic violence. [9] Encyclopdia Britannica World Atlas, 1957 edition. territories were in the north along the coast, while the military territories were in the Sahara region. )subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 11 (2020 est. )imports of goods and services: -35.8% (2017 est. A coalition of Islamic and secular opposition parties boycotted the election, describing it as a masquerade and asserting that President Bouteflika was unfit to run due to his health. The law criminalizing speech about security force conduct during the internal conflict of the 1990s remained in place, although the government said there had never been an arrest or prosecution under the law. Other Algerians headed to Europe seeking asylum, although France imposed restrictions. Since 2015, the government has imposed additional restrictions on access to foreign exchange for imports, and import quotas for specific products, such as cars. )1.95% (2019 est.). ), $5.574 billion (2019 est. ), fossil fuels: 98.9% of total installed capacity (2020 est. 1962-07-01: Algeria became independent from France. The DGAPR maintained different categories of prisons that separated prisoners according to the lengths of their sentences. islands in the harbor (now connected to the mainland by jetties). Unions may recruit members at the workplace. Alger: Algeri (Italian); Algiers (English); Algier (Danish, German); al-Jazair, al-Djazair, El Djazar (Arabic); Women enjoyed rights equal to those of men concerning property ownership, and property titles listed female landowners names. The ministry has three to six months to review the text, with the absence of a response after that time constituting a rejection of the application. The subdivisions were to the 1955-08-07: Bne department formed by taking the eastern arrondissements of Constantine department: Bne Overuse of pretrial detention remained a problem. The country joined the Human Rights Council in 2014 but continued to deny requests for visits from the UN special rapporteurs on extrajudicial executions (pending since 1998) and counterterrorism and human rights (pending since 2006), the UN Working Group on arbitrary detention (pending since 2009), and the UN Security Council Mali Panel of Experts on Sanctions (since 2016). NGOs reported that the government did not enforce payment of fines for failing to abide by the law. Defendants have the right not to be compelled to testify or confess guilt, and they have the right to appeal. On 2014-10-29, ISO 3166-2 made the same spelling change. Police typically dispersed protesters shortly after a protest began and arrested and detained organizers for a few hours. as a national language. NGOs also indicated that some migrants were denied treatment at healthcare facilities. Political Parties and Political Participation: The Ministry of Interior must approve political parties before they may operate legally. Lawyers reported that authorities usually carried out procedures for warrants and summonses properly. With lower oil prices since 2014, Algerias foreign exchange reserves have declined by more than half and its oil stabilization fund has decreased from about $20 billion at the end of 2013 to about $7 billion in 2017, which is the statutory minimum. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the government repatriated 35,113 Nigeriens (including 16,478 women and children) from December to August, pursuant to a bilateral agreement at the request of the Nigerien government. formed from parts of Annaba and Guelma; Ghardaa split from Laghouat; Illizi split from Ouargla; Khenchela formed from Declining oil prices have also reduced the governments ability to use state-driven growth to distribute rents and fund generous public subsidies, and the government has been under pressure to reduce spending. The National Human Rights Committee (CNDH) said the government had dedicated $12 million to ensure the human rights of migrants during repatriation operations (to include accommodation, food, clothing, health care, medicines, and transportation). )6% of GDP (2019) (approximately $19.2 billion)5.5% of GDP (2018) (approximately $17.9 billion)5.9% of GDP (2017) (approximately $18.8 billion), approximately 140,000 ANP personnel (120,000 Army; 6,000 Navy; 14,000 Air Force); approximately 130,000 National Gendarmerie; approximately 200,000 General Directorate of National Security (2022), the ANP's inventory includes mostly Russian-sourced equipment; since 2010, Algeria has received arms from a variety of countries, with Russia as the leading supplier (2022), 18 is the legal minimum age for voluntary military service for men and women; 19-30 years of age for compulsory service for men (all Algerian men must register at age 17); conscript service obligation reduced from 18 to 12 months in 2014 (2022)note: as of 2020, conscripts comprised an estimated 70% of the military, the ANP has played a large role in the countrys politics since independence in 1962, including coups in 1965 and 1991; it was a key backer of BOUTEFLIKAs election in 1999 and remained a center of power during his 20-year rule; the military was instrumental in BOUTEFLIKAs resignation in 2019 when it withdrew support and called for him to be removed from office the ANP traditionally has focused on internal stability and on Morocco where relations as of 2022 remained tense over Western Sahara and Algerian accusations that Morocco supports the Movement for the Autonomy of Kabylie (MAK), a separatist group in Algerias Kabylie region; however, following the Arab Spring events of 2011 and a series of cross-border terrorist attacks emanating from Mali in 2012-2013, particularly the 2013 attack on a commercial gas plant by al-Qaida-linked terrorists that resulted in the deaths of 35 hostages and 29 jihadists, it has made a concerted effort to beef up security along its other borders and promote regional security cooperation; since 2013, additional Army and paramilitary forces were deployed to the borders with Tunisia, Libya, Niger, and Mali to interdict and deter cross-border attacks by Islamic militant groups; in addition, Algeria has provided security assistance to some neighboring countries, particularly Tunisia, and conducted joint military/counter-terrorism operations (2022), al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM); Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) Algeria; al-Mulathamun Battalion (al-Mourabitoun)note: details about the history, aims, leadership, organization, areas of operation, tactics, targets, weapons, size, and sources of support of the group(s) appear(s) in Appendix T, Algeria-Morocco: the Algerian-Moroccan land border remains closed; Algeria's border with Morocco remains an irritant to bilateral relations, each nation accusing the other of harboring militants and arms smuggling; the National Liberation Front's (FLN) assertions of a claim to Chirac Pastures in southeastern Morocco remain a dormant disputeAlgeria-Libya: dormant dispute includes Libyan claims of about 32,000 sq km still reflected on its maps of southeastern AlgeriaAlgeria-Mali: none identifiedAlgeria-Mauritania: none identifiedAlgeria-Niger: none identifiedAlgeria-Tunisia: none identified, refugees (country of origin): more than 100,000 (Sahrawi, mostly living in Algerian-sponsored camps in the southwestern Algerian town of Tindouf); 7,345 (Syria) (mid-year 2022). Women may seek divorce for irreconcilable differences and violation of a prenuptial agreement. )geothermal: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Judges found to have ordered an unlawful detention could be subject to penalties or prosecution. Several hundred international election observers from the United Nations, Arab League, African Union, and Organization of Islamic Cooperation monitored voting. Married women under 18 may not travel abroad without permission from their husbands, but married women older than 18 may do so. Chitour has been detained in El Harrach prison since then without trial and faces life imprisonment if convicted. (An igamie is the 1957-08-07: Territoires du Sud (formerly department no. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. This decree requires all applications to include a full copy of the text and other detailed information. He appealed to the Constitutional Council without result. No new trade unions were registered between January and September, and the government said it did not receive any applications. Constantine, and Oran, after their capitals. Religious and civil society leaders reported that the Jewish community faced unofficial, religion-based obstacles to government employment and administrative difficulties when working with government bureaucracy. Oxford University Press, New York, 1951. The law requires that workers obtain government approval to form a union, and the Ministry of Labor must approve or disapprove a union application within 30 days. by | May 25, 2022 | camden county ga school schedule | cindy deangelis grossman pictures | May 25, 2022 | Note: total area has changed since CGATA membership included workers from unions representing government administrators, diplomatic personnel, state electricity and gas employees, university professors, public transport and postal workers, and lawyers. )imports: 0 cubic meters (2021 est. Algeria since December 18, 2019, is divided into 58 wilayas ().Prior to December 18, 2019, there were 48 provinces. The 58 provinces are divided into 1541 baladiyahs (municipalities).The capital city of a baladiyah, dara, or province, always gives those entities their name, even Algiers, the capital of the country gave it its name (El Djazayar, the Arabic name for both the city and the country). Access to Asylum: While the law provides generally for asylum or refugee status, the government has not established a formal system through which refugees can request asylum. The government affirmed there were 101 registered trade unions and employers organizations. NGOs reported that irregular migrants sometimes worked in forced labor and that their lack of work permits made them more vulnerable to exploitation. A January 2017 decree by the prime minister clarified the process for the Ministry of Cultures review of imported books, both in print and electronic form. Foreign observers characterized the elections as largely peaceful but pointed to low voter turnout and a high rate of ballot invalidity. The government provided a subsidy for divorced women whose former husbands failed to make child support payments. The government said that it maintained a policy of not removing migrants registered with UNHCR, and that in a few cases it worked with UNHCR to return registered refugees who were mistakenly removed. Provinces, Dpartements, Rgions. The government used specific facilities for prisoners age 27 and younger. When Algeria was under French administration, the official division names were in French. There is no official estimate of the poverty income level. )agricultural: 6.671 billion cubic meters (2017 est. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government, Section 5. names. )note: Data are in current year dollars and do not include illicit exports or re-exports. It requires national-level civil organizations to apply to the Ministry of Interior for permission to operate. A ban on demonstrations in Algiers remained in effect. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and Women said 60 percent of the recipients of government microcredit loans for small businesses were women. ), 27.5% of GDP (2017 est. Most trials are public, except when the judge determines the proceedings to be a threat to public order or morals. The penal code guarantees defendants the right to free interpretation as necessary. )investment in inventories: 11.2% (2017 est. Although the government did not renew the accreditation of LADDH, the organization had members countrywide, received independent funding, and was one of the most active independent human rights groups. The government said that a drop in aid from international donors led to worsening conditions for Sahrawi refugees, and that it had increased its own contributions as a result. The minimum legal age for employment is 16, but younger children may work as apprentices with permission from their parents or legal guardian. The Ministry of Labor is responsible for enforcing child labor laws and refers violators to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution. ), electrification - total population: 99.4% (2019)electrification - urban areas: 99.6% (2019)electrification - rural areas: 97% (2019), installed generating capacity: 21.694 million kW (2020 est. The law provides sentences of six months to five years in prison and fines between DZD 50,000 and DZD 500,000 ($425 and $4,252) for users who do not comply with the law, including the obligation to cooperate with law enforcement authorities against cybercrime. Postal codes: Algeria uses five-digit postal codes. The law stipulates a prison sentence of between 10 and 20 years for rape when the victim is a minor. )note: data cover central government debt as well as debt issued by subnational entities and intra-governmental debt, -$4.608 billion (2021 est. military territories as the arrondissements were to the civil territories, and the cercles were on a par with The constitution grants the president authority to appoint all prosecutors and judges. The law prohibits workers under age 19 from working at night. split from Blida; Tissemsilt formed from parts of Alger and Tiaret. The government occasionally offered to mediate disputes. Protests broke out across the country in late February 2019 against President BOUTEFLIKAs decision to seek a fifth term. The list of essential services included banking, radio, and television. 134, the departments united the civil and military territories, strengthening the 1902, because of border adjustments in desert areas. The NGOs reported harassment and threats of imprisonment by government authorities. [3] Fifth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, Vol. 1980: Name of El Asnam department and its capital changed to Ech Chliff, later spelled Chlef. )20.4% of GDP (2016 est. On July 13, the Ministry of Justice removed a public prosecutor and his deputy from a court in Boudouaou for their alleged involvement in the legal proceedings following the discovery of 701 kilograms of cocaine in the port of Oran on May 29. Internet users regularly exercised their right to free expression and association online, including through online forums, social media, and email. According to the Ministry of Justice, approximately 12 percent of the prison population was in pretrial detention. According to Belhouchet, the government has a monopoly on advertising that it uses to punish those who criticize the government and thus, weakens freedom of expression.
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