Except for a few countries, these nations don't have unique ideas or events, so the formation decisions are purely cosmetic. We must aspire to unite all of those lands so that the subcontinent may enjoy stability and peace. King Salamon of Hungary is just a young boy with zero allies. Also note that CK3 does not feature nations. Character options are Earl Alfred Aethelwulfson of Dorset or Petty King Aethelred Aethelwulfson of Wessex. Allowing the Turkish ascendency in Anatolia. Dutchy of Normandy is one of the iconic start in CK3. Of course you must conquer many lands and have the fame the living legend. The sceptered isle of Albion has been a haven for our people for centuries. Can this conquest continue against the crusades? Note: While Dahae is listed as a Tier 3 formable ingame and cannot be formed by any Tier 3 tag, Dahae itself does not have restrictions on forming other nations, including other Tier 3 formables like, Country is in the Hellenistic culture group, Is not a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 formable, Capital territory is Patrai (434), Elis (446), Olympia (439), Zakynthos (460), Aigion (444), Dyme (7890), or Pellene (7893), Is not AI-controlled or has at most 12 territories, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 10 territories, Is only Aestuian country or all other Aestuian countries are subjects, Gain ownership of all Aestuian subject territories in the regions of Germania, Vistulia, and Boiohaemum, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 8 territories. Nonetheless, if we are to survive in these ever-changing times, a strong leader must emerge, and unite the clans. You can play as either of these brothers. In this 1066 start, you are already at war with kingdom of England. In THEORY (because CODE, but PARADOX), they should unbreak after putting the mod back in, because it's held in the save file. The goal of this organization was always to control them, and to deny them the independence that they are due. is an expansive project aiming to bring the world of Crusader Kings 3 to life with a wide selection of custom ethnicities and custom 3D assets. Your game starts in a war of England succession. Like in ck2-ck3 for creating a title. 2.. Retrieved from "https://vic2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=, A picture of fractured Germany in 1836. ukasz Jakowski, October 12, 2020. Visit our. CK3 Lifestyle Tier List Here is the compilation of most fun nations in CK 3: 1. These formable ck3 kingdoms and ck3 empires require ridiculously specific events, decisions and triggers in order to form them and in this video we will uncover how to play as some of the most unknown countries in crusader kings 3. Note: While Cyprus has no restrictions on which tags can form it and so can theoretically be created by even tier 3 formables, Cyprus can only be created by very small countries and so is considered a tier 1 local formable. Duke William II the Bastard of Normandy,House of Normandie, and Dynasty de Normandie starts as the vassal of France. Most decisions are unavailable if the character has the Incapable trait. Under our leadership, the glorious legacy of the Epirotes will be restored once more, and our past feats eclipsed by future victories. on Paradox technology, Legal Can you survive these attacks and raids? The ancient Cyaxeres built upon the successes of his father, to unite the Medes, and forge the first true empire in our region. +20% Stability. Also you can gain other allies by marrying your brothers and mother. Let us create a new state here, and teach these local peoples about the capabilities of the Celtic peoples. Your main purpose should be expanding your Duchy with 6 more Bavarian counties. Disinherited from his dynasty and a bastard, you might think Jarl Dyre is a rough guy to start with. The fertile plateau of Arabia Felix has been a cradle of civilization for millennia. Including Italy, Spain, France, England, Morocco, Lothringia, etc. Overthrown by Cyrus himself, this this region has been the birthplace of conquerors and founders alike. The, As for being represented: Generic Horde ideas are far from representative of the Mongol Empire on its peak. Information, Frequently Asked All of these decisions can be found in the /ImperatorRome/game/decisions/tier_1_formables folder. One strong leader to unite the clans could take advantage of this powerful position, and create a state capable of brokering trade and peace in this region. gero.assion Aug 21, 2019 @ 5:20am.. German Empire. Here&39;s a good resource for CK3. The Delian League was formed by Athens and their allies to defend themselves from the encroaching Persians to the east after Xerxes tried to invade our cities. Dynasty Seljuk andHouse Seljuk is really fun to play in1066. In order to thrive Dynasty Arpad and House Arpad, you must survive the rebellions at the start. . Kaiser Heinrich IV of the Holy Roman Empire. Country is in the Anatolian culture group, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 12 territories, Move the capital to Armaouira (1570) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Get claims on all territories in the region of, Move the capital to Nineue (862) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Get claims on all territories in the regions of, Primary culture is Babylonian or follows the, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 25 territories, Move the capital to Babylon (918) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Country is in the Belgae culture culture group. Marry your children for France, Hungary, Bohemia, and Denmark alliances. Such abundance invites complacency, and we must strive to do away with such danger. I'm keeping it original for posterity's sake. Picked in no particular order but these are like the quintessential crusader king experiences imo. Let us seize the kingdom away from those that are leading it to ruin and create a new stronger state for the Macedonians to serve. The Cabalian people will not be bullied by our Carian and Milyadian neighbors; united in common purpose we shall establish ourselves as the new regional power. The Belgae have always occupied a rich and fertile part of the world. Criteria Benefits Be the required country Control all required states Be independent Getting a core in all uncored states required to form the nation + some extra ones. This article has been verified for the current version (2.0) of the game. Tooltip: Issues an ultimatum to all Cretan nations with fewer than #Y 4#! Since our ancestors arrived on this island, our peoples have coexisted. Even more, you have a decision that lets you restore the Roman Empire. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Facebook page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's Twitter page. It is time to throw off the shackles of our foreign oppressors, and unite our people once again! Count Haesteinn of Montaigu is a brilliant strategist with overpowered martial skill. Bringing turn count to 1 to avoid the permanent 0 relations glitch. THE MOD IS COMPATIBLE! You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Hispania with the new fate of Iberia mechanics. 5 < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments. Because once the king of Leon died, his lands divided between his three sons. Picked in no particular order but these are like the quintessential crusader king experiences imo. The "Belarusian Union" is a collective term used to refer to three very closely related, The "Belarusian Union" is a collective term used to refer to three very closely related. Responsible for founding great cities, and spreading culture across the heartland of the Peloponnese, such a mighty tradition must be preserved by knitting together Arkadia, once more. It is time the Phrygians unite and re-establish a state of their own. Leon. Varangian adventure to Indian Empire with Haestin. Privacy Policy. Every country with its capital in the province of, Country is in the Dravidian culture group, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 30 territories, Country is in the Egyptian or Nubian culture group, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 20 territories, If the primary culture is not Bohairic, Faiyumic, or Sahidic, set the primary culture to, Set the capital to Memphis (500), and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Country is in the Gallic or Pannonian culture group, Is not AI-controlled or owns a province in the region of, Move the capital to Ankyra (194) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Owns or has a subject that owns the province of, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 6 territories, Owns or has a subject that owns the provinces of, Is not AI-controlled or owns at least 20 territories, Country has Macedonian culture or, if the, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 20 territories, If the country is not AI-controlled and there are Macedonian-cultured pops in the country, has Macedonian as a, Set the capital to Pella (379), and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 15 territories, Move the capital to Ekbatana (1595) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Get claims on all territories not currently owned or owned by a subject in the region of, Is not AI-controlled or has at least 7 territories, Move the capital to Noreia (3672) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Move the capital to Kirta (3163) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Country has Cappadocian culture or the current ruler is in the same family as, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 5 territories, Move the capital to Amaseia (1819) and make it a city if it is currently a territory, Primary culture is not Caledonian, Damnonian, Taexalian, or Votadinian, If the country is tribal, adopt the Federated Tribe government form, Is not AI-controlled or owns at least 6 territories, Get claims on all unowned territories in the province of, Has Siceliote or Siculian primary culture, Is not AI-controlled, owns at least 10 territories, or is. Let us declare our new identity to the world, and seek out new conquests in the name of the Yuezhi people! Hispania with the new fate of Iberia mechanics. They require the game to be . This small crusade of yours will be enough the repel 1066 Seljuk war at the beginning. The name was coined back in the late 1860s when a major stock market crashed. Three kings ruling the Castilian lands. Owns or has a subject own all of the following territories: Country is in the Gallic or Belgae culture group, Is not AI-controlled or owns at least 100 territories, If the country is not AI-controlled and the game is ironman, award the achievement, Get claims on all unowned provinces in the region of, All Hellenistic culture group republics gets the opinion modifier, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 40 territories, If the government type is not Empire or Imperial Cult, set the country's government to, Country is in the Iberian or Celt-Iberian culture group, Is not AI-controlled or has more than 100 territories, Is not AI-controlled, owns at least 5 territories, or is. So beyond that, I have no idea how to help you. I don't own this mod, so the only thing I will do is try to keep it working. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. All of these decisions can be found in the /ImperatorRome/game/decisions/endgame_tags folder, except for the Form Kushan decision, which is found in /ImperatorRome/game/decisions/tier_2_formables/become_yuezhi.txt with the Adopt Yuezhi as National Identity decision. A brand new name, flag and map color. A strong leader to unite them in these dark times, is paramount to our continued survival. Let us unite the Dahae tribes into a powerful tribal federation, only then will we be masters of our own faith. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Looks like a hard start. +20% Stability. Interactive corporate website, Essex, Mercia, York, Wessex, Hwicce, Lancaster, East Anglia, Kent, Northumbria, Cornwall, Albany, Moray, Lothian, Strathclyde, the Isles, Mann, Meath, Munster, Ulster, Connaught, Leinster, De jure part of the Holy Roman Empire in 1066, Luxembourg, Lower Lorraine, Upper Lorraine, Jlich, Brabant, Bavaria, Austria, Salzburg, Augsburg, Carinthia, Nordgau, Steyermark, Tyrol, Krain, Istria, De jure part of West-Slavia in 867 and of the Holy Roman Empire in 1066, West Franconia, Meissen (1066), East Franconia, Swabia, Angria, Anhalt, Westfalen, Ostfalen, Thuringia, Lausitz (1066), Hesse, Alsace, Curezzia, Holstein, Thrace, Strymon, Aegean Islands, Thessalonika, Thessali, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Upper Bosnia, Lower Bosnia, Zachlumia, Dubrovnik, Vidin, Moesia, Dobrudja, Bulgaria, Philippopolis, Opsikion, Ephesos, Thracesia, Optimatoi, Bucellaria, Cilicia, Cibyrrhaeot, Anatolia, Cappadocia, Charsianon, Paphlagonia, Armeniac, Sebasteia, Chaldia, Sicily, Benevento, Capua, Apulia, Salerno, Calabria, Friuli, Verona, Piedmonte, Lombardy, Genoa, Emilia, Pisa, Tuscany, Sardegna e Corsica (Cisalpine, Italian, Sardinian, Sicilian), Sardenya i Crsega (Catalan), Sardina kai Korsik (Greek), Uppland, Bergslagen, Vstergtland, stergtland, Smland, Norrland, Visby, arjetje, Vuovdismieana, Duortnoseatnu, Giemajohka, Guoldat, Lapland (Anglo-Saxon, English, Scottish), Lappland (Norse, Norwegian, Swedish), Viken, Agder, Vestlond, Trndalog, Opplond, Hlogaland, Iceland, the Northern Isles, Jmtland, Lesser Poland, Greater Poland, Mazovia, Upper Silesia, Lower Silesia, Kuyavia, Lithuania, Prussia, Masuria, Courland, Latigalians, Samogitia, Kyiv, Turov, Pereyaslavl, Chernigov, Karachev, Novosil, Garariki (Danish, Norse, Norwegian, Swedish), Dykra (Lithuanian), Dzikie Pola (Polish), Etelkz (Hungarian), New England (Anglo-Saxon, English), Salair, Ala Tau, Vasyugan Mire, Baraba Steppe, Kulyndy Steppe, tken, grsh, Selenga Valley, vrkhangai, Arkhangai, Khvsgl, Gobi-Altai, Ubsunur Hollow, Khovd, Khakass Hollow, Shoria, Kargassia, Eastern Sayan, Uda Valley, Dauria, Bargujin Tukum, Baigaluuls, Tsagaanbaigal, Yenisei-Kan, d Valley, Elge" #Mongolian name of Lena river, Angara, Turgay, Kurgan, Kush-Murun, Saryarka, Kazakh, Semey, Kentarlau, Karkaraly, Karabas, Betpa, Kara Khoja, Altay, Gurbantnggt, Naiman Gobi, Soghd, Badakhshan, Khuttal, Osrushana, Ferghana, Khorezm, Uzboy, Isfahan, Kirman, Yazd, Rayy, Hamadan, Fars, Hormuz, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Nishapur, Merv, Ghur, Herat, Balkh, Nasa, Kohestan, Daylam, Tabaristan, Gurgan, Azerbaijan, Shirvan, Diyarrabia, Diyarmudar, Diyarbakr, Euphrates, Kurdistan, Visegrad, Somogy, Nyitra (1066), Ungvr, Transcarpathia, Transylvania, Bihar, Temes, Bacs, Gyor, Syrmia (1066), Valois, Berry, Anjou, Normandy, Orleans, Champagne, Burgundy, Bar, Flanders, Gascogne, Aquitaine, Toulouse, Languedoc, Armagnac, Poitou, Auvergne, Bourbon, Barcelona (867), Provence, Savoy, Viennois, Upper Burgundy, Transjurania, al-Andalus (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Xenxir (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Carthaginensis (Greek, Roman, Visigothic), al-arq (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Castalla (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Replaced by Len with "Splitting the Crown" event, does not exist in 1066, Must be created by the "Splitting the Crown" event in 867, exists de jure in 1066, Liyyun (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Yilliqiyya (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Marrakesh, Sous, Tafilalt, Fes, Rif, Canarias, Tlemcen, Tahert, Alger, Bejaia, Zab, Mzab, Kairouan, Tunis, Kroumerie, Gabes, Jerid, Tripolitania, Syrte, Tadmekka, Ghat, Air, Kawar, Tibesti, Fezzan, Al-Jawf, Amman, Shammar, Medina, Mecca, Asir, Najd, Yamama, Al-Hasa, Bahrain, Oman, San'a', Jawf al-Yamani, Ta'izz, Hadramawt, Mahra, Cyrenaica, Alexandria, Delta, Cairo, Al-Wahat, Al-Said, Eastern Desert, Sinai, Christian religion (also applies to automatic creation via partition), Aleppo, Edessa, Homs, Antioch, Lebanon, Damascus, Palmyra, Aksum, Dahlaks, Lasta, Gondar, Gojjam, Showa, Dawaro, Adal, Mora, Danakil, Zaila, Sanaag, Gurjara Mandala, Anartta, Saurashtra, Lata, Maru, Jangladesh, Stravani, Medapata, Ajmer, Tosali, Daksina Kosala, Kalinga, Dandakaranya, Pagan, Tagaung, rksetra, Arakan, Rmaadea, Devagiri, Vidharba, Konkana, Nasikya, Rattapadi, Kalyani, Gangavadi, Nulambavadi, Raichur Doab, Pandya Nadu, Chola Nadu, Chera Nadu, Tondai Nadu, Qamdo, Boyl, Nyingchi, Nangqn, Lhatok, Lingtsang, Dg, Batang, Litang, Xining, Tuyuhun, Nagormo, Amdo, Zadoi, Qumarlb, Huhu Noor (Jurchen), Kke Nayur (Buryat, Jurchen, Kerait, Mongol, Naiman, Oirat), Qinghai (Han), Ladakh, Zanskar, Baltiyl, Aksai Chin, Rutog, Xia, Wuluhai, Zhenfan, Liangzhou, Shanzhou, Qilin, Ganzhou, Yijinai, Guiyi, Aksay, Miniah (Qiang), Minyak (All Tibetan except Kirati), Mjinjaa (Tangut), Tangyud (All Mongolic, Kirghiz, Uyghur), Xi Xia (Han), Possibly Essex, Mercia, York, Wessex, Hwicce, Lancaster, East Anglia, Kent, Northumbria, Cornwall, Mann; possibly Western Isles, Northern Isles, Strathclyde, Austria, Steyermark; possibly Carinthia, Krain, Istria, Benevento, Capua, Apulia, Salerno, Calabria, Latigalians, Courland, Livonia; possibly Estonia, Burtughal (Bedouin, Butr, Baranis, Zaghawa, Levantine, Egyptian, Maghrebi, Andalusian, Yemeni), Toledo; at least one of Badajoz, Cordoba, Murcia, Valentia, Castille, Navarra, Aragon, Chera Nadu, Konkana; possibly Lata, Nasikya, Anhalt, Meissen, Angria, Westfalen, Ostfalen, Thuringia, Lausitz, Holstein. 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