On November 3, 2020, 58.63% of voters in California voted in favor of Prop 22 and the law went into effect in mid-December of 2020. . Quieres leer este artculo en espaol? width: 100%; CDPH must specify which information clinics should report, and how and when to report the information. The arguments come from many sources and are not limited to those presented in the Official Voter Information Guide. Voters should reject Proposition 29 and hope that they wont have to do so again in 2024, and 2026, and beyond. Some owners and operators with multiple clinics can use their higher-earning clinics to help support their clinics that operate at a loss. -webkit-columns: 2; [12], The following were the top donors to the committee. A bipartisan bill introduced in Congress, House Resolution 3569, would amend NOTA to clarify that organ donors could be compensated for out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and other costs associated with donating. Not a lot. California does not require proof of citizenship for voter registration, although individuals who become U.S. citizens less than 15 days before an election must bring proof of citizenship to their county elections office to register to vote in that election.[39]. Requires Each Dialysis Clinic to Have a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant On-Site During All Treatment Hours. In presenting Pros and Cons we are nonpartisan, offering supporting and opposing arguments. July 26, 2022 . }, .arguments-bm-widget { Abcarian: Did Donald Trump rape, then defame a well known advice columnist? A "yes" vote supported this ballot initiative to require dialysis clinics to have at least one physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant while patients are being treated; report data on dialysis-related infections; and not discriminate against patients based on the source of payment for care. Some patients requiring treatment in costlier settings like hospitals if some clinics closed in response to the proposition. 29 is the third attempt in four years by labor organization Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW West) to regulate dialysis clinics. The FKGL for the ballot summary is grade level 14, and the FRE is 20. [2], In 2018, SEIU-UHW also sponsored Proposition 8, which was defeated with 59.9% of voters rejecting it. The site Voter Status, run by the California Secretary of State's office, allows residents to check their voter registration status online. The ad will run statewide on broadcast, cable and digital. Some people qualify for both Medicare and Medi-Cal. The FKGL for the ballot title is grade level 16, and the FRE is -1. margin-bottom: 5px !important; Requires Dialysis Clinics to Report Infection-Related Information to CDPH. If the total number is equal to at least 100 percent of the required signatures, then local election officials perform a random check of signatures submitted in their counties. Ballot measures, Who represents me? [1] Most of these private clinics are owned and operated by two companies, DaVita and Fresenius Medical Care. The last time a cigarette tax was on the California ballot was in 2006, when Proposition 86 was narrowly defeated. Read more endorsements at: latimes.com/endorsements. For example, clinics must report when a patient develops a bloodstream infection and the suspected cause of the infection. 29 argue that patients have a higher chance of infection or death when a nurse practitioner, physician, or practitioner is not present and that requiring those medical professionals to be on staff would reduce the likelihood of death or infection. Pros & Cons Unbiased explanation with arguments for and against . These revenues consist of payments for dialysis from a few main sources, or payers: Medicare. margin-bottom: 10px; Sacramento Today, the No on 29 coalition launched a new ad featuring doctors and patients urging the SEIU-UHW union to stop harming dialysis patients by funding dangerous ballot measures that put dialysis patient lives at risk. columns: 1; How often a person needs hemodialysis treatment can vary. Contact Information. Were still careening toward climate disaster, Column: The heart that Angela Bassett brings to Wakanda Forever transcends the genre, Editorial: Reckoning with UCSFs dark history of unethical medical experiments on inmates. Stop Yet Another Dangerous Dialysis Proposition For immediate release: November 8, 2022 Contact: Kathy Fairbanks (916) 813-1010 kfairbanks@bcfpublicaffairs.com Once again California voters reject shameful attack on dialysis patients by one. 29 would also prohibit clinics from refusing patient care based on the patients form of payment, whether the patient is an individual payer or whether the patients health insurer is Medi-Cal or Medicare. The treatment involves pumping a solution into the abdomen. How to run for office | Stop yet another dangerous dialysis proposition. He said the measure is important because of what it will do not only for the present, but also the future. What's the difference between Prop 26 and Prop 27. The cost to have a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on-site would affect individual clinics differently depending on their finances. Specifically, owners and operators may be able to negotiate higher rates with private commercial insurance companies and, to a lesser extent, with Medi-Cal managed care plans. This individual must have at least six months of experience providing care to kidney patients and is responsible for patient safety and the provision and quality of medical care. Owners and operators might try to negotiate higher rates from payers to cover some of the costs. Californias Proposition 29 on the states November 2022 ballot would require physicians, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants with six months of relevant experience to be on-site during treatment at outpatient kidney dialysis clinics. The opponents include patient advocates and healthcare associations whose members might benefit from the expanded job opportunities the proposition would create: the California Medical Assn., the California chapter of the American Nurses Assn., and the American Academy of Nephrology PAs, along with the Renal Physicians Assn. Vote NO on Prop 29. The exception lasts for one year. 2, 2005, pages 11521. Medi-Cal. Its not clear that added regulations are necessary or that added oversight would guarantee improved outcomes, and several requirements set forth by Prop. If a clinic or its owner or operator does not report required information or reports inaccurate information, CDPH may issue a penalty of up to $100,000 against the clinic. Letters to the Editor: Rethinking L.A.'s flood control systems to store water, not flush it away, Letters to the Editor: Crushing student loan debt is a problem for seniors too, Op-Ed: If you bank with the Big 4, your money has an alarming carbon footprint, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, Want to solve climate change? Prop. Dialysis companies are so profitable that they can easily afford to make the proposed changes while still covering their operating costs. Ana B. Ibarra, A Heavy Burden: Should Dialysis Rules Be up to Voters?, Cal Matters, October 14, 2020, Stephanie Hedt, Dialysis Costs the Healthcare System Three Times More in the Individual Market, USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy & Economics, Laura C. Plantinga et al., Frequency of PatientPhysician Contact in Chronic Kidney Disease Care and Achievement of Clinical Performance Targets,. 23 by introducing medical personnel specifications and introducing stakeholder reporting.[3]. Prop. [7], The full text of the ballot initiative is below:[1]. The California Democratic Party and California Labor Federation supported the campaign. The proposed initiative, if approved by California's voters, would increase the tax on cigarettes in the state by $1 per pack. However, the owner or operator might not be willing or able to do this over the longer term. Sean Fleming and Jonathan Everhart filed the ballot initiative on August 24, 2021. .sbtotalheader { Supporters claim that the industry makes billions of dollars each year, but does not reinvest those profits into patient care. How safe is your neighborhood? -moz-columns: 1; State approval of clinic closures would protect rural communities from losing access to needed dialysis services. width: 50%; Even the labor-friendly Legislature has refusedto pass similar legislation. } [12],

U.S. Congress | The proponents says the proposition is intended to improve patient care. Camryn Park, California Voters Will Weigh in on Dialysis Clinics for the Third Time in Four Years, San Francisco Chronicle, July 6, 2022. School districts | Opponents view the measure as a further attempt to politically and financially weaken DaVita and Fresenius Medical Care and to unionize dialysis workers, and assert that the shortage of nephrologists in the state would leave clinics unable to meet the requirements of Prop. Under federal rules, the physician must visit the patient during dialysis treatment at the clinic at least once per month. 29 would increase the cost of providing dialysis services, and force some dialysis centers to shut down and others to reduce hours, thereby reducing access to this lifesaving treatment. Have at least one of the following on site during patient treatments: Legislative Analysts Office, Proposition 23, November 3, 2020. Medicare pays for dialysis treatment for the majority of people on dialysis in California. All Rights Reserved. Firearms Our weekly mental wellness newsletter can help. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. If a clinic plans to close or substantially reduce its services, Proposition 29 requires the clinic or its owner or operator to notify CDPH in writing and obtain CDPHs written consent. A "no" vote opposed this ballot initiative to require dialysis clinics to have at least one physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant while patients are being treated; report data on dialysis-related infections; and not discriminate against patients based on the source of payment for care. Proponents assert that there is a need for dialysis industry reform. 29 would increase the states need for more medical professionals. And the trained nurses and technicians at dialysis clinics are just as equipped to deliver basic lifesaving care as doctors or nurse practitioners required under the proposition. Requires Dialysis Clinics to Notify and Obtain Consent From CDPH Before Closing or Substantially Reducing Services. It would also require increased disclosure of clinic ownership and dialysis-related infections. Since then, the yes campaign has launched www.yeson29.com. Group and Individual Health Insurers Typically Pay Higher Rates for Dialysis Than Government Programs. For these people, Medicare covers most of the payment for dialysis as the main payer and Medi-Cal covers the rest. Proposition 29 would have enacted staffing requirements, reporting requirements, ownership disclosure, and closing requirements for chronic dialysis clinics, including:[1], The ballot initiative would have also prohibited clinics from refusing to care for a patient based on the patient's form of payment, whether the patient was an individual payer, the patient's health insurer, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or Medicare. 2012 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Opponents claim that it may force some clinics to close. A YES vote on this measure means: Chronic dialysis clinics would be required to have a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on-site during all patient treatment hours. Original story follows below. The word count for the ballot summary is 84. 29 are already in place. Clinics Could Respond to Higher Costs in Different Ways. Code of Federal Regulations Title 42, Chapter IV, Subchapter G, Part 494: Conditions for Coverage for End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities, last modified July 11, 2022. 29 Dialysis Clinics: no. CDPH also certifies clinics on behalf of the federal government. background-color: black !important; fx vd. [1], In 2020, 63.4% of voters rejected Proposition 23, which was also sponsored by SEIU-UHW. The PAC raised over $86.4 million in contributions. Sacramento TheSanta Rosa Press Democratand the 11 papers that make up theSouthern California News Grouptold voters to reject Proposition 29 in recent editorials. California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022) California Proposition 29, the Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative, was on the ballot in California as an initiated state statute on November 8, 2022.
   .sbtotaltable { -webkit-columns: 1; The requirements to get initiated state statutes certified for the 2022 ballot: Signatures are first filed with local election officials, who determine the total number of signatures submitted. Requires clinics to: disclose physicians ownership interests; report infection data. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. on KCBS All News 740AM and 106.9FM. Thats the tension: theres enormous profitability, then you meet folks of enormous need, and you realize that some of that money should be diverted to patient care. The physician designs the dialysis treatment plan, including specific aspects such as frequency, duration, and associated medicines. Many more failed to qualify for the ballot, including one to raise the minimum wage to $18 an hour. Proposition 28 promises to bring arts and music programs to every public school and cost taxpayers nothing. The additional tax revenue would be used to fund cancer research, smoking reduction programs and tobacco law enforcement.    .sbtotaltable td { The PAC raised over $7.9 million from the SEIU-UHW West. Prop. The state and federal governments share the costs of Medi-Cal. A few hours after the solution has been pumped into the abdomen, the catheter is reopened to allow the solution to drain. But the most consequential provision is the requirement that a physician, nurse practitioner or physicians assistant with experience be on-site at all times at the roughly 650 dialysis centers in the state. Certification allows clinics to receive payment from Medicare and Medi-Cal. CA Scandal-Makers & Movie-Makers Shape 2022's Most Popular Baby Names The federal-state Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal in California, provides health coverage to eligible low-income California residents.  Opponents, however, say this is just another effort by labor organizers to get the industry to unionize its workers. Voters correctly rejected the last two propositions, and they should do so a third time.        text-align:center; 29 is being led by Californians for Kidney Dialysis Patient Protection. By Vittorio Nastasi and Adrian Moore            December 9, 2022. California's current cigarette tax is 87 cents per pack. This measure isnt really about patient care. There are not enough nephrologists in the state to meet the staffing requirements set forth by the proposition. Business regulation The attorney general of California issued ballot language for the initiative on October 29, 2021, allowing a signature drive to begin. In the less likely event that a relatively large number of clinics would close due to this proposition, having obtained consent from CDPH, state and local governments could have additional costs in the short run. Dialysis clinics are already required to report ownership interests of 5% or more to the state survey agency,[4] and current federal rules already require that dialysis clinics have an assigned medical director  a physician responsible for staff training and implementing quality of care measures  although there are no rules for how long this doctor needs to be on site. This California farm kingdom holds a key, Six people, including mother and baby, killed in Tulare County; drug cartel suspected, These are the 101 best restaurants in Los Angeles, New Bay Area maps show hidden flood risk from sea level rise and groundwater, Editorial: 2022 brought more heat and pollution. 

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