Maybe their decision is the right one, maybe the insurers who provide them their acts and omissions insurance made it hard to, I dont know. $26.00. Ships To Store. The Gold Dot averaged 1,372 fps while the Agulia load averaged 1,178 fps. He held a record for speed shooting with a double-action revolver that stood for decades. If you ever get into Grizzly territory youll want the .45. The Classic also looks bigger in overall size so why would it be more delicate?, if so, it is a waste of money. Failure to feed, Failure to eject, Stove Piping. We also noticed that the new stocks are slimmer than the originals. If the Hillary hole shows, my wallet stays closed. The results of my accuracy shooting session with the new Model 19 Classic with a total of 10 factory loads (five .357 Magnum loads and five .38 Special loads) are listed in the accompanying chart. The 2.5-inch-barreled guns were offered with only the round butt, whereas the 4.0-inch-barreled guns and the 6.0-inch-barreled guns were offered with square butts. To each his own. Poor choice of words? I think this is rational thinking since I will very likely never need the 7th through 21st shot of my current EDC but I will certainly enjoy the fuzzy warmth of hand fitted steel and ivory (I bought some a few years back) every day when I get the new gun. But you can find commercial loads like those from Atlanta Arms example 9mm 115 HAP match ammo. Add to Wish List. I even had a Class A engraved Model 19 with a 6.0-inch barrel during the late 1980s, but I decided I didnt need any of my barbeque guns and traded off all my engraved S&Ws, Brownings, Remingtons, and Rugers. 1,025.99 . loads are not +p but just standard full pressure loads which every revolver is proofed to 130%. The noise will come from the cylinder. And it's an L-Frame as opposed to the blued K-Frame M19. Over time, using the .357 Magnum load, the temperature and pressure caused by these rounds will erode, cut into, and weaken the frame of the gun. Smith & Wesson Model 66, 4.25" Barrel, 357 Magnum . A hit dead center is counterproductive if you spend extra time to get it. Its accuracy is better than good enough, but not great. When I was younger, I couldnt understand the appeal of a wheelgun, when semi pistols could be had. A .357 would do the trick because they shoot those cheap .38s, too. I started my 43 year Law Enforcement Career with a stainless model-19 4 barrel. View Deal . First time I took it to the range, it malfuctioned after maybe 30 magnum rounds. . To do that, I would highly recommend The S&W Revolvers; A Shop Manualby Jerry Kuhnhausen. The barrel is composed of an inner liner and an outer shroud. Soon the pinned barrel and recessed cylinder were dropped while a number of improvements increased the service life. The pre-1971 Model 19 is a classicthat earned its reputation. The old 19 is still more elegant, the new model must be taken for what it is, an unfaithful copy and a different revolver. The new Model 19 is also offered in a stainless steel version outside the Classic line. You put a bullet in it and it goes bang. As I said, the first Combat Magnum was produced in 1955 and promptly sent to Bill Jordan. But it would take many, many thousands of rounds of the lighter stuff to destroy that 19 so I wouldnt bother with .38s myself. I believe a large fiber-optic or dot-type front sight would make defensive shooting faster, but I grew up shooting S&Ws red ramp front sight, so it works just fine for me. $12.60 shipping . The gun has gone by many names; the Outdoorsman, K-22, and Masterpiece (with Target, Combat and other variations), always delivering spot-on performance no matter the variation or the name. I ordered the 4.25-inch-barreled Classic revolver for my shooting review. Wide, thick, and with a great shelf for the thumb, the standard wood grips look good and provide excellent control of the gun. Ive heard similar statements in the TTAG comment section and it seems to be a popular myth running around many forums. If you are so good, write your own article for us to enjoy. But it never got close to breaking that 1 mark. The Model 19 Classic features a handsome set of walnut grips, a 4.25" barrel, a black adjustable rear and red ramp front sights. Call Smith. Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. Smith & Wesson Model 19 Classic (the new re-issue): It looks cool with the classic new design and the blued finish. I first started with a revolver in the USAF as aFlight Crewmember, and qualified Expert with the S&W model-15. The Model 19/66 also was one of the finest guns ever made. I spoke with two long retired officers who carried (and loved) the four-inch Model 19. BE SURE to watch the Chapter 2 follow-up. I dont have a trigger gauge, but I would seriously doubt the SA pull weight was that heavy. Rather than shoot .38 special, I would rather shoot .357 loaded down to .38 velocities. That heavier, but smooth trigger is the one you want to keep the gun on target. After a couple years of qualifying with the .357s the M-66s started to shake loose. I, tried tah o ce myself when I was a Boss for the first time. In my ignorant youth, I wanted hi cap semis only. It can also be taken apart with no tools in about a minute or two, and can be put back together almost as fast. Only a few years ago you could buy this gun for $500-$600. True, and Im not much of a fan of the 1-7/8 rev olver. Of all the guns to pass through my hands over the years, that is the one I most regret letting go. SKU: 12039. Smith has outfitted the Model 19 Classic with a trigger that is just about ideal for double-action shooting. Im getting a Ruger or a Colt. Ruger LCP vs Smith & Wesson Model 19 Classic 4.25" Ruger LCP. (Unfortunately, I didnt have any speed loaders.) I like that combo and havent found anything better. $800-900. Whats yours? This causes a greater impact force on the rifling contact area. I have several S&W revolvers now, but damn, would I like to have that one back. It is significantly shorter than the rear sight on my 1975 vintage Model 19. The Model 19 has a flat spot on the bottom of the forcing cone. So you get some advantage, but not much. EVERYONE PLEASE FORGIVE MY TYPING AS I AM ON VACATION ON CRUISE, TOO MANY UMBRELLA DRINKS! The front sight is a pinned ramp with a retro red ramp insert. This was all I had in over 100 combat missions in Nam. And get yourself a damn trigger scale! It was also more enjoyable for the shooter and much kinder on the pistol. Model 19 Classic. However, I know my way around Smith & Wesson revolvers and have been shooting them for more than 40 years. You cannot see nor feel the mechanics as you fire. Buy and Sell on GunsAmerica! 5 more deals from . Guns were offered with either a square butt or a round butt, depending on barrel length. The Model 19 Classic revolver features a handsome set of walnut grips, a 4.25 barrel, a black adjustable rear sight, and red ramp front sight. PERFORMANCE CENTER Model 19 Carry Comp . Ill have to remember that for a detestable orifice, including the stupid locks. Capacity: 6 rounds The K-frame is, IMO, the less desirable frame than the L frame in .357s when hurling the 158s downrange with a stout load of powder behind them. Is the cylinder binding up? Threats that might approach while hunting should give me time to discharge a formidable scoped 30-06 or AR. Used that way, its highly unlikely the gun would experience any significant erosion or cracking. In 1955 the .357 Magnum version was first offered. Failure to Fire: Many users of Smith & Wesson 22A have an issue with light primer strikes or failure to fire. It was a beautiful gun. The sample I fired for this report was powerful and accurate. The cylinder yoke locks to the frame via a spring-loaded ball-detent system, and the solid, full-length ejector rod is unsupported. Great shooter i carried one as a officer and i still have it , it feels natural in your hand i love the k frame 19. Well, the blued Model 19 is back, and it has some new style. Since then even though 10s of 1000s of revolvers safely ate these with boring regularity once lawyers starting dictating policy and buisness cartidge performance went down not all at once but a bit yr after yr and to this day is still happening. It put my finger in an ideal position on the trigger, and gaveme a great platform for my thumb for either hand. And then, because this is grumbly bear country and I cant handle the recoil of an N frame in .44 Magnum, a Model 66 came along. Gone are the old-style cylinder locking lug that was pinned into the barrel lug and the hollow ejector rod. They often have nice, polished metal with smooth lines that are visually and even tactilely appealing. These are ammo for my wifes snub battery. The reviewer tested a 6 inch barrel, and claims theres significant stopping power difference at 25 yds over that of a 4 inch barrel. I recently switched from carrying a 9mm Colt LW 1911 Commander to a 4 Smith & Wesson Model 19-4 .357 Magnum in a Galco Combat Master holster on a quality, heavy 1/2 leather belt. Keep your firearms safe, secure & in prestine condition. Still, the Ruger gives you more bang for the buck (back then, and now). Accuracy was substandard compared to my older Smiths as well. It would be hard to find a police department in this country which didn't issue or authorize some version of the Model 19 at some point in its history. Smith & Wesson discontinued the production of the Model 19 in 1999 and the Model 66 in 2005. When I bought my .30-30 I thought about going with a .44magnum but while the right load will produce more energy, that advantage is gone by 75 yards. And pistol grips can often be considerably less than comfortable. Before there were scopes or red dots there were iron sights. The two-piece walnut grips are held in place by a single slotted-head screw. The Smith & Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum, The Second AmendmentIts Not About Hunting! People who load their own should be aware that the worries about the flame-cut of the topstrap is only one issue with stout loads. They were all out of timing and the forcing cones were showing serious wear. The old Smith revolvers are definitely cool, and polished internals make them even more so. Feature Articles, The Smith & Wesson 617 revolver has an issue with failure to fire about three or four times per cylinder on average (out of ten rounds). An object in motion tends to stay in motion; once it starts, the big .44 caliber cylinder wants to keep on spinning. Yet still they have less that great SA triggers. That K-Frame 357 might have been the all time favorite revolver for law enforcement for 30 decades when revolvers were mostly used. No go; not with MIM parts. Shop Smith & Wesson magnum revolvers & revolver pistols at Academy Sports + Outdoors. You can also buy lighter rebound springs for the S&W. The second significant difference is that the diameter of the barrel is thicker than the older guns. History has shown that the K frame does not hold up well under a steady diet of magnum loads. In fast fire I had to learn to feel for it, but it certainly lets you know right before the hammer falls. obligatory key lock. There may be a gunsmith out there who doesnt care about the liability, but I havent found him, yet. They had over a 90% one shot stop record. HK VP9 and again needs trigger work. Theres no doubt about it, the S&W K-Frame is legendary. EXACTLY you never see that angle in any of their marketing, promo or catalog photos. Why not bring back the Model 28? I love the 19 more than anything and prize them, evwn over my new Sig P226, Mt25 Romeo, I will pick up next week when I get back home from a cruise. The Model 19 Classic revolver features a handsome set of walnut grips, a 4.25 barrel, a black adjustable rear sight, and red ramp front sight. 9 oz. Customization * * FTX round, I got 1.5 groups, with one as small as 1.25. Fortunately most other firearm manufacturers have wisely chosen to delete this exercise in stupidity. My ugly Glocks sit at my bedside. They are often chunky and have harsh lines. smith & wesson / s&w and model 19-3 2.5" blued 357 magnum - pinned recessed . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. We are all showing our age here when complaining about the Hillary Hole, MIM parts, shrouded barrels. The revolver dons a highly polished, blued finish and traditional thumbpiece for a classic look. I did that to my 686. There are a few current or recent production models here and there that have no lock (I believe a 686 is among them). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The suggested retail price for the firearm ranges from $599 to $669. Due to its rust-resistant qualities, the Model 66 was even used by SEAL Team 6. The info pages further adds that, "The Smith & Wesson Classics series of revolvers have been enhanced with modern internal components, but mimic the look and feel of classic models. Give a Gift When engaged, it prevents the hammer from being cocked and the trigger from being squeezed. The two-piece design supports the inner barrel tube at both ends, and according to some experts, it enhances accuracy. The remaining Model 67 is the stainless steel version of the no-longer-produced Model 15. Weight: 39oz as reviewed I would probably go all in for the .38. Options were limited to a target trigger, red ramp front sight, and a white outline rear sight blade. The new Model 19 Classic utilizes Smith & Wessons keyed locking system. The trigger itself, however, is clearly superior on the older Model 19.. The first item that all the shooters noticed is how short the rear sight blade is, necessitating a shallow the rear sight notch. If I have to wear nice shoes, the gatsby does too. The K-Frame Model 19 is iconic, and Im pleased that its back in production. PERIOD. Two-handed and in single action, this gun is giggly-fun easy to shoot. I took it back to the range and it went through a box of magnums without issue. I still have it and enjoyed many pistol qualifications over the years. It will all sound plausible to a gun ignorant jury. SMITH & WESSON The Smith & Wesson Model 19 Classic is a classic revolver that is perfect for self-defense. The workaround:shoot range sessions with .38 specials, carry .357 Magnums for hunting and self-defense. I will not buy a firearm with this useless and dangerous defect. Give that .357 more room to run and its got a lot more power than the 9mm. As a note, good on whoever owned and maintained this revolver before I got it. Im a revolver nut! The 6.0- and 2.5-inch blued models were discontinued in 1996 and 1998 respectively. In 1970 stainless steel was offered, and in that form it was called the Model 66. breadcrumb. S&W Model 19 Classic Specifications. Bought a S&W model 19 as a on Duty revolver in 1970. Overall, I am impressed with the it and think you will be as well. All the way out to 100 yards, they are only 3.6 apart, if the gun is zeroed at 25 yards. Estimated New and Used Values for a Smith & Wesson 586 Classic Values are based on a basic model with no options or colors. End shake? He obviously doesnt realize that the cylinder comes to a complete stop when the hammer is falling and stays that way until the noise happens and the bullet is long gone. That seems OK when I measure it with a feeler gauge. And it certainly outclasses any of the common modern service pistols in fit and finish. I refuse to purchase one of their revolvers with that Clinton lock in the side! You just can't ask for more in a revolver. I experiencedno reliability issues whatsoever with any of the rounds tested. Finish:factory blued steel Even though this is a 4 pistol with square butt stocks, the frame has a round butt contour. Gun Review, This allows S&W to place the barrel shroud over an index tab on the front of the frame and then insert and thread the barrel tube to the frame and to the shroud at the muzzle end, bringing the shroud against the frame as it torques down rather than the traditional threading and crush fitting of the old-style one-piece barrel that requires forcefully tightening to proper index. K-Frame. Ill be the first to admit that when it comes to shooting, Im no Bill Jordan. Zero issues with a variety of rounds and a lot of magnum caliber shooting. The Smith & Wesson Classics series of revolvers have been enhanced with modern internal components, but mimic the look and feel of classic models. thats why I dont bother with home brew re-loads. 38 S&W SPECIAL +P . Ah, I get where youre coming from. Overall average accuracy of the .38 Specials was 3.04 inches, and overall average accuracy of the .357 Magnums was 3.21 inches. For someone like me, with size large hands, the Model 19 is simply a joy. Despite plenty of time on the range and a lotof time dry firing, I still cant shoot this gun fast. smith & wesson / s&w and revolver model 19-5 excellent condition 4 inch " barrel ellicott city, md 21042: used: 8/1/2022: $899.99 .357 mag. I find the Smith N frames for duty weapons to be over sized, to heavy and harder to conceal when in plain clothes. First pistol I bought in 1965 when I started on the police department. I DO realize theres some cost savings, but is it really worth it? So Im always hopeful that discussion of a new S-W model might delete the lock, but 99 times out of 100 I am disappointed. It is narrower with beveled edges and a polished smooth trigger face, and. It's an internal lock that is activated via the key slot that is located just above the cylinder release latch on the left side of the revolver. I was interested in how long it would take a Magnum-only diet to damage a Model 19, so I asked around. But there is nothing obligatory about the Lawyer Lock particularly in law. 1 more deal from . Not only will these shoot sub 1.5 @25 yd they will shoot sub 2 @ 50 yds. Former gun slinger, current gun writer. In S&W revolvers, what you want to ask a smith for is an action job. Kuhnhausen describes this a bit in his book. The original K-Frame Combat Magnum was conceptualized in 1954 and was the brainchild of Carl Hellstrom and Bill Jordan. This was not a serious issue with the .38 Special +P loads. The Model 19 was frequentlythe best revolver these officers could afford. But if you know what you want, shop around. (Pistols which have hammers sometimes feel a little better.) 244.99 . Lighter and tougher and more precise than ever, it's the perfect back country hunting rifle. Its a beautiful gun, much more refined than the Ruger Security-Six I have from the same era. It is hard to describe the appeal of revolvers. In 1966, Smith introduced a Stainless Combat Magnum, the Model 66. The new Model 19 Classic uses a cylinder release thumbpiece shaped like that of the original Model 19. All Rights Reserved. As American forces fought in the Philippines, US troops made an unfortunate discovery about the performance of their standard-issue revolvers chambered in .38 Long Colt. I carried the M19 for two different departments in the mid 1980s. Every group from all variety of ammo loads are smaller than 2 @25 yards and you were disappointed? LSWHP. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time. The single-action trigger pull averaged 4.0 pounds, 12.0 ounces with my RCBS trigger-pull scale, and the double-action pull was 13.0 pounds. The only handguns guns with regular accuracy that can reach sub 1.5 @25 yd that are budget friendly CZ P-09 but it really needs trigger work. In fact, with the shrouded hammer and slimmed down profile, their 3 revolver is probably superior to a comparable S&W from any era for carry. You can do a lot with a medium-size .357 Magnum/.38 Special double-action revolver. The chambers are not counterbored. Mine, bought new in the early 1980s, looks just like this one. In 1955, Smith & Wesson introduced the .357 Combat Magnum which would become the Model 19 two years later when the company went to a model-numbering system. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yep, I agree with ya. Thanks Grandma its the best Christmas gift ever! GDHP and Agulias 158 gr. Le/Mil Only. This cartridge can be used in any situation where a handgun could come into play. model 19, The 4.0-inch-barreled Model 19 was dropped in 1999. Sweet gun and cool review. Add to Wish List. It was a 4 inch blued model 19 the had Idaho State Police on the side of it. I would keep working with it. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. The new pistol featured an improved K frame that was stronger and had a three-screw side plate. As the law enforcement community transitioned to semi-auto pistols, the demand for the Combat Magnum waned. Ive never cleaned a gun Ive reviewed before before, but I felt duty bound to put this one back in same shape in which I got it. Nice gun, but I will always remember the beauty of blued steel and walnut stocks. The best thing to be done is make the cylinder gap as tight as possible, so as to limit how much heated gas can escape the gap. But my first wheel gun many years ago was actually calling to me from the gun case at my buddys shop. The Model 66 quickly became the preferred service pistol for law enforcement agencies across the country. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. $969.00 . The Model 19 was also offered in nickel finish. Youll spot this by the increase in end-shake on the cylinder. Usually they have the ramp with the orange insert. Le/Mil Only. And give us the shining gems of the earlier days. The keyhole is not obligatory because they still make some popular models (e.g. It is a widespread issue with this revolver. I have a fairly new 629. The Author of the article conveniently forgot to mention that despite the M19 having a double heat treatment it would shoot loose after only about 2,000 full power .357 magnum loads. The Smith and Wesson Combat Magnum is alive and well. I would expect that anyone with even a fundamental grasp on English would not have read my sentence on the cycle of the 29s cylinder as the notion that once the trigger is touched, the cylinder just spins on while firing, as you apparently have. 1 more deal from . You have some tough standards!:-). The exact difference varies with different barrel lengths, bullet weights, revolver weights, etc, but my observation (from a good many years ago) was that the .38s hit way high. Of course you should adjust for your round accordingly. I felt well armed with either. The trigger on our test pistol was surprisingly smooth and the single action broke cleanly at 4 lbs. 2) The re-design of the frame in order to better accommodate the stupid lock makes the gun look cheap and unattractive, it has ruined the lines of an otherwise beautiful revolver. Part of that is due to the barrel length, but that grip plays a big part in double action fast (fastish?) Using the factory Hornady 125gr. range time: smith & wesson model 19 classic .357 magnum And their 4 DASA with exposed trigger is a very comparable choice for anyone interested in the current 4 Model 19 for target shooting or home defense at that barrel length. The frame is real important. THIS video is a follow-up from our fist video with this revolver. But the K frames are just a little easier to carry all day long, in and out of vehicles and in plain clothes. Beautiful pistol better than a colt python 357 but not as nice as the colt diamond back 38+p which I used as my service weapon , colt python had wheel alignment problems and the new ones have the same problem showing up. I even tried different magazines. The trigger itself, however, is clearly superior on the older Model 19. The first Model 19 came off the production line in November of 1955, 65 years ago. The new Combat Magnum was initially offered with a 4 barrel. Be patient and look for a nice example of both, and hang onto them. The .357 still has an edge but not by much. Check Price . It worked well for him. The only Smith I will own with a lock would be a .22 caliber, because I would never carry it for self-defense. Due to its popularity, the Smith and Wesson Model 19 is often worth more than its suggested retail price. So in 1975, my first Model 19 arrived with all the target goodie options. (The first time strapped it to go to work, she asked me if I didnt think I needed a wheel on the end of the holster. Smith & Wesson is merely trying to make their revolvers be accepting to the widest audience possible, but honestly, that is an eye-sore. On the range, the Classic 19 handled and shot as well as my older Model 19. He even appeared on television in 1955. Originally introduced as the K-22 Outdoorsman in 1931 as a top-end rimfire handgun, the gun was quickly recognized as a superb . Seems ludicrous to resurrect a revolver that was dropped for a stronger design (L frame) due to inability to sustain a steady diet of 357 magnum loads.
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