(END VIDEO TAPE)GREEN (on camera): The cases may go to the full court, leaving justices todecide if the benefits of protections against the pandemic outweigh thecost of possibly weakening the Constitution. (INAUDIBLE)Good evening. We knew they were young fellows without that much experience and we could beat them. We never look back. He said, 'Yeah, somebody knocked over my beer., In spring training of 1949 Stengel told his Yankees: I know nothing about the American League. And Stengel said, 'I drink it like that ever since the accident.' Mutual Fund and ETF data provided byRefinitiv Lipper. He stands at the height of 1.778m/5'10''. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. P.O. Stengel had a rap sheet going back to times with the Dodgers, Pirates, Phillies, Braves and Giants. I will leave it there.BAIER: Agreed, and the legal challenges are going to continue, and we willfollow each one.Susan, meantime, the Biden transition is moving a pace, the nationalsecurity team kind of outlined today. The Yankees of Casey Stengel marched to the first of five straight world championships in 1949. Thoughts on the choices so far,coming really from career, for the most part, career folks, minus JohnKerry, who obviously has a political past?SUSAN PAGE, WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, "USA TODAY": It would be hard to finda starker contrast with the Trump team than the team that President-electBiden has unveiled. Purdue has alsoagreed to a settlement with more than $8 billion in penalties andforfeitures. If they revertback to the 2016 way of thinking on the Middle East, that peace goesthrough Ramallah, that you can't -- detente with Iran is the key to peacerather than an obstacle to peace with Arab-Israeli peace, then they aregoing to fail, and all this progress we are having will stop.BAIER: All right, panel, thank you very much, we appreciate it, a littleshorter because of the interview.When we come back, helping those in need this time of year. (END VIDEO CLIP)BAIER: Now, we have not seen this filing, we have not seen all theaffidavits that are supposedly going to be filed in Georgia tomorrow. Make 'em pay you a thousand dollars. After having tasted such great success with the Bronx Bombers, Casey ended his professional baseball career losing over 100 games a year (average: 113) and finishing in last place in '62, '63 and '64. Investigators say more than 20,000 of those bogus claims werepaid.The two senators from Georgia trying to hang onto their seats and preservethe GOP's majority in the Senate chamber are in a tough spot tonight.They're getting hammered from some in their own party over PresidentTrump's election challenge. There was the Casey Stengel of the Yankee pride.. All of them together.STEGALL: And doctors insist if more people followed the guidelines, itwill pay off in the long run.HOFFMAN: I know that this is a lot to ask, but a virtual, safeThanksgiving will potentially prevent an ICU Christmas. Based in FOXs Dallas bureau, Casey is responsible for covering the southwest portion of the United States. Ive watched some successful managers as John McGraw and Uncle Robbie work. NOMINEE: In my 35 years inthe Foreign Service across four continents, I put a Cajun spin on it. He ordered a draft beer and knocked it down in one gulp. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. (END VIDEO CLIP)KURTZ (on camera): When political players turn into a pundits, they canbring an insider's perspective. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BIDEN: I'm pleased to announce nominations and staff --HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDIA ANALYST (voice over): As Joe Bidenstarts to staff his administration, the revolving door between media andpolitics is spinning once again. Most guys are dead at the present time anyway and you could look it up. Yes, Brooklyn did get some modicum of revenge in 1955, but Stengel and the Yankees came right back to defeat them the following year. But they tell Fox News tonight, they can't announce any of thosechanges as of yet. DiMaggio had a banged up heel and did not play until June 28. His Game One inside-the-park home run was made more dramatic due to one of his shoes falling apart (which slowed him down). They described leadership as leading from behind, President Trumpnever did that. And that's the Obama that failed to deliverArab-Israeli peace deals that the Trump administration did. Casey Stegall's net worth is $1 million, most likely or even more as he has worked on some life-threatening reporting projects and currently works for Fox News that is known to pay its reporters significantly higher than the average wage. As per some of the reliable sources he is supposed to make around $452,000 per annum as a salary. I know, I'll leave it tothem to discuss the meetings that they may have had or may not have had.BAIER: Do you expect more normalization announcements from other countrieslike Saudi Arabia with Israel before the end of the president's term?POMPEO: You know, I do. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. It was wonderful of them, the outgoing manager said, but Ive been here 12 years, and when a feller stays too long in one place he gets a lot of people mad at him, and he gets mad at a lot of people when they blame him for blowing tight games.. We're already working out meeting withthe COVID team in the White House and how to not only distribute, but getfrom a vaccine being distributed to a person being able to get vaccinated.So I think we're going to not be so far behind the curve as we thought wemight be in the past. I saw Israelibusinessmen in the Emirates. is not gay. Don Larsen, Bob Turley, Bobby Richardson, Elston Howard and Tom Sturdivant in 1955. A judge has to do it. We played the Giants in the 1951 World Series. In addition, he celebrates his birthday on January 8 every year and his zodiac sign is Capricorn. though, from 1987-1993. toniharsh775@gmail.com. Box 7474 He can give me a job in the outfield and he can catch, too. I can't grasparound it for what all the horrors that I'm seeing and why people can'tbelieve this is real.INGLE: According to data released this week by Johns Hopkins University,the United States has the highest case tally in the world at 12.4 millionand the highest death toll at nearly 260,000. He was the first person to wear the uniform of the four New York MLB teams. The love of his life, Edna was a former silent screen star, a high-fashion dresser who picked out her husbands clothes. But thething that got the most attention was a meeting that was believed to havehappened. However, there is no Reno, Nevada 89510, Toni Mollett Harsh There was the Casey Stengel who could talk for hours on the long 36 hours of train trips to Kansas City. Stegall receives an estimated annual salary of between $20, 000 to $100, 000. - IMDb Mini Biography By: President makes two brief appearances Tuesday as Biden transition ramps up; Kristin Fisher reports. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Oil stocks likeExxon and Chevron helped to lead the way on signs of a better economic timecoming ahead of us.Shares of the electronic vehicle maker Tesla have continued what's been anincredible run for the stock helping the founder Elon Musk passed BillGates becoming on paper, the second richest human being on planet earthbehind Jeff Bezos of Amazon.Now, there certainly are questions about whether this market rally cancontinue. "That's Jim Mattis. You maynot alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies ofthe content. Good kid, too. Fox News media analyst and host of Fox's"MEDIA BUZZ", Howard Kurtz, has that story tonight. the United States has the highest case tally in the world at 12.4 million and the highest death toll at nearly 260,000. But the old man had a genuine affection for the stolid, reserved and talented Howard. And we shall see. Whatdo you say to the critics who say that Iran is closer to a nuclear weaponnow as you get ready for this transition with another team that may look atthe situation completely different than you?POMPEO: Well, they're just wrong factually about that. In New York, Stengel became the managerial genius that he is remembered as. Theproblem, Bill, as Marc mentions, is that does that create a wrench in thesystem ahead of the January 5th runoff trying to hold control of the U.S.Senate?BILL BENNETT, FORMER EDUCATION SECRETARY: Well, we'll see. But Bill Mazeroskis walk off homer gave the world championship to Pittsburgh. That means airports are busier than they have beensince the start of the pandemic. While playing for the Dodgers in 1919, Stengel tipped his cap to the crowd to display a small bird flying out, delighting the fans in attendance. I said, 'You were in an accident?' "But he knew and we knew what we had to do. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)SIDNEY POWELL, TRUMP ATTORNEY: I think no later than tomorrow, it's justgoing to be -- it's a massive document, and it's going to have a lot ofexhibits. Its an inherently stressful job. Yet AAA says some 2.4 million people still plan tofly.We are heading home for Thanksgiving. And how are they going to pay their bills?INGLE: And if you have plans to hit the bars in Pennsylvania the nightbefore Thanksgiving, think again. And while the CDC is standing firm on its recommendations fortraveling this week, there is word tonight that public health officialswith the CDC are said to be considering ways to shorten the quarantineperiod. The Sporting News Manager of the Year Award was established in 1936 by The Sporting News and was given annually to one manager in Major League Stengel was a former Major League player and is best known for his career as coach of the New York Yankees. Health care dominated part of last debate between the two. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)BAIER: Purdue Pharma is pleading guilty to three criminal charges formallyadmitting its role in an opioid epidemic that has contributed to hundredsof thousands of deaths over the past two decades.The maker of OxyContin admits impeding the U.S. Drug EnforcementAdministration's efforts to combat the addiction crisis. Jerry Coleman and Gil McDougald went out of their way to help us, and we were to ultimately take their jobs. Stengel was talked out of retirement after one season to manage the New York Mets, at the time an expansion team with no chance of winning many games. His time as manager in Brooklyn did not go as planned, as the Dodgers never finished higher than fifth in the National League. Both Ruth and Stengel would go on to greater fame with the New York He played for the New York Giants in 1921-23. Death row inmate Scott Peterson'sname was one of more than 35,000 inmate names used to file for unemploymentbenefits. And I think peopleare acknowledging that and it's having a big effect.FISHER: But he took zero questions from reporters and not once did hemention the outcome of the election. Nearing 70, impatient, Casey made moves in games that seemed highly unorthodox even for him. In his commendable career, Casey Stegall has been presented with numerous awards including the regional Emmy Award for the display of courage during live newsreporting. He had two game-winning homers during the 1923 World Series. All told, in his 12 years with the Yankees, they made ten World Series appearances, winning seven. You just play. "Sure he wasn't that young," Skowron said. You guys are big league ball players, and this year you will be on your own. A smart player who had a knack for doing the right thing on the field, he seemed destined to manage at some point in time. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)ROBERT REDFIELD, DIRECTOR, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION:Clearly right now you can see the surge that we're seeing in new casesunfortunately in hospitalizations and deaths.INGLE (Voice over): The numbers of people dying each day in the U.S. andaround the world rises once again. As a CNN global affairs analyst TonyBlinken, who've been deputy secretary of state under President Obama, oftenchastised Obama's successor.BLINKEN: President Trump is abdicated that responsibility; he's put us infull retreat from our allies and partners.KURTZ: And today, Biden formally announced Blinken as his pick forsecretary of state.BLINKEN: Thank you.KURTZ: CNN contributor Jen Psaki who was Obama's state departmentspokeswoman has also left for the transition.MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel, a former Time Magazine editor is on his secondgo-round, having jumped from Obama's state department to fierce Trumpcritic.RICK STENGEL, He's the epicenter of disinformation around the world.KURTZ: And now, Stengel has joined the Biden transition team.Barbara McQuade, a U.S. attorney in the Obama years has also left MSNBC forthe Biden transition. What the hell do you think, I said, that I was born here on this bench as an old manager? The Dallas Press Club also recognized him for his breaking news coverage. One of MTA-New York City Transit's bus depots is named in his honor. Casey Stegall, age 40, has not preferred to share about his personal life in public. Laura, thank you.As we mentioned, the Dow hit an all-time high today surging 455 points toeclipse and finish above the 30,000 mark for the first time ever. He never said too much of anything to anyone. However, he has not shared information about his parents and siblings. Have a happy Thanksgiving, Bret.BAIER: You too.There's a second part to this interview with Secretary of State Pompeo, itwill air Thanksgiving night. We need their cooperation.DOOCY: Especially, addressing climate change.JOHN KERRY, SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL CLIMATE ENVOY: To end this crisis, thewhole world must come together.DOOCY: Kerry will be the face of the Biden administration's $2 trillionclimate plan.BIDEN: He will be -- there will be a principal on the National SecurityCouncil who can make sure climate change is on the agenda in the SituationRoom.DOOCY: Another seat in the Situation Room goes to National Security AdviserJake Sullivan.BIDEN: He'll lead the early negotiations that led to the Iran nuclear deal.DOOCY: National security will be reimagined by order of the president-electand will now cover terror threats plus --JAKE SULLIVAN, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER-DESIGNATE: The pandemic, theeconomic crisis, the climate crisis, technological disruption, threats todemocracy, racial injustice and inequality.DOOCY: The nominee to run DHS Alejandro Mayorkas is being asked to dothings differently too.BIDEN: It's a job that plays a critical role in fixing our brokenimmigration system.DOOCY: Biden is also breaking with Trump and picking insiders, notoutsiders for jobs like Avril Haines nominated as Director of NationalIntelligence.BIDEN: I didn't pick a politician or a political figure. How old is Casey? . I had a meetingwith the Crown Prince in the Emirates. During his playing career, he played in the outfield (primarily right field). Charles Dillon "Casey" Stengel (The Old Perfessor) was not only one of the most successful managers in baseball history, he was one of the sport's most colorful characters as well. Whenhewascreatingthe AmazinMetsin1962,hemayhaveseemedlikeastreetmagicianbutnotexactlyan uncle. But an actual -- its actual direct payment to the federalgovernment is $225 million.The Biden administration is going to look very familiar to connoisseurs ofvarious cable news stations. BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR (on camera): I didn't think Jesse mademistakes. It's a really senior group. Family and friends arereally important to me at this time of the year.STEGALL: Almost 95 percent of all holiday travelers are expected to driveto their destinations, with AAA projecting nearly 48 million people hittingthe road. (END VIDEO TAPE)SERRIE (on camera): Elections officials say more than 760,000 Georgianshave already requested absentee ballots. Correspondent Jonathan Serrie reports tonightfrom Atlanta. But when those last 10 days of spring training came around you knew you had to be better ready to play., I was the best manager I ever saw, but I tell people that to shut them up quickly and because I also believe it. Photos and Magazine Covers are provided from the private collection of Toni Mollett Harsh, previously part of the Estate of Casey Stengel. The best thing to do is to have players who can hit right-handed and left-handed and hit farther one way and father sometimes the other way and run like the wind. The president-elect to saying staffers have spokennow to Dr. Anthony Fauci but he hasn't had time to phone Fauci. Good evening, Laura.LAURA INGLE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Good evening,Bret. Between the many hirings (as most know he surfaced again as pilot of the hapless Mets) and the firings, there is the amazing, amusing, arresting story of Charles Dillon Stengel, a man never at a loss for words. Funny without trying to be funny. For Immediate Help Call Miles City: 406-232-4457 Forsyth: 406-346-2311 In Memory Of Casey Stengel, age 97, of Lewistown formerly of Miles City. Retired from the Mets after suffering a fractured hip. We gotta go back and beat em again this year.. We got it right. Now it was a Casey Stengel Yankee culture. Here's what I learned about the FBI, Two trucker drivers steal over $3,000 worth of diesel fuel from Wawa, Hunter Biden laptop-denier now admits emails are real. "Casey Stengel, In the dozen years he managed the Yanks when the team was home, Stengel lived with his wife Edna at the swanky Essex House in Manhattan. Stegall started his career in journalism as a reporter for the WTVW-TV; FOX 7 in Evansville, Indiana. Casey Stengel, Hall of Fame broadcaster Curt Gowdy said, was one of the funniest guys I ever met. We're doing a lot. So, some big changes in Los Angeles startingtomorrow, Bret.BAIER: That's quite something. There had been a Yankee culture before. Huge numbers of people from traveling allacross the country. The bishop of the Catholic Diocese ofBrooklyn, which also filed a case with the Supreme Court against GovernorAndrew Cuomo, says politicians must reclassify faith as fundamental.BISHOP NICHOLAS DIMARZO, DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN: You have to recognizereligion, I think, is essentially to society just as the food stores are.They take care of the body. Whileit has been quite a run for the Dow Jones Industrial Average optimism aboutthree potential coronavirus vaccines helping to drive the average to thismost recent milestone.On January 15th, the Dow closed above 29,000 for the first time. He presided over a crowded press conference and lavish luncheon at the posh 21 Club in Manhattan. Stegall has covered war-related news from these dangerous places in life-threatening conditions. WebCasey Stengel (I) on IMDb: Movies, Tv, Celebrities, and more Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Emmys Hispanic & Latino Voices STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events He then became the manager of the new National League franchise in New York, the Mets, which proceeded to lose a record 120 games in their inaugural season in 1962, prompting Casey to ask rhetorically, "Can't anybody here play this game?" Later, in a sarcastic and stinging voice, he told dozens of reporters: I commenced winning pennants when I got here. Possessing a bit of power and some speed, Stengel also had an excellent batting eye, helping him to lead the National League with a .404 on base percentage in 1914. And I mustsay, the outreach has been sincere. Did Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu meet with the Saudi CrownPrince on your visit to the region?POMPEO: Bret, I had (AUDIO GAP) the Crown Prince there. No, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer is not gay. Others point totoday's report a drop in consumer confidence as a sign of trouble on thehorizon.But for now, it's a focus on the positive, we have the Dow closing above30,000 for the first time ever, Bret.BAIER: Good stuff. Make 'em pay you high. Here are the disturbing things I learned about the FBI, Sen. Joe Manchin calls 'open press system' in US a 'problem' during Davos panel, Former CNN host Brian Stelter slammed for hosting Davos panel on disinformation: 'Reason why he's unemployed', In memory of World War II veteran Lester Tanner: 'We are all Jewish', California college professor says 'completely fabricated' claims of racism may cost him his job, Greta Thunberg laughs in video with German police before coal mine detention photo-op: 'Staged for cameras', Mexican prosecutor: Shanquella Robinson murder investigation continues, potential accomplices being determined, South Africa escaped tiger found and euthanized, Iran execution of British national shatters relations, UK reconsiders nuclear deal support: report, Moderna says its RNA vaccine was nearly 84% effective in preventing symptoms in adults 60 and older, Doctors in China discouraged from citing COVID as a reason for patients dying amid outbreak, Indonesia court hears lawsuit filed against pharmacies after 200 children die from tainted cough syrup, Biden FDA warns judge against reversing abortion drug's approval, Care about your heart? Not only did they fire him just over a decade before, but they watched him bring title after title to a different borough. My first year broadcasting the "THE STORY" guest-hosted bySandra Smith starts right now.Hi, Sandra.ENDContent and Programming Copyright 2020 Fox News Network, LLC. Stengel was an exacting and expert tactician, but kept a charming air about him with his sense of humor that put players, media and executives at Most recently, Stegall reported live from Uvalde, Texas surrounding the mass shooting in Robb Elementary School that killed 19 children and two adults. Currently Stengel Field is used by Glendale Community College, Crescenta Valley High School, and several youth teams. So, the answer is not necessarily. Site Designed by: Simply Styled Sites, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/23/sports/baseball/mets-60th-anniversary.html, Before the Mets Were Amazin, They Were Amazing, Pro Sports Rundown: New Casey Stengel Biography is a Beautiful Juxtaposition of History and Baseball, Transcendent of Time, WRHI: Marty Appel Author Casey Stengel Baseballs Greatest Character, http://caseystengel.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/PM-2017-3-28-CASEY.mp3. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need this. Good evening, Kristin.KRISTIN FISHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Good evening,Bret. Everyone has to start somewhere, and for Casey Stengel, that place was in Brooklyn. He previously served as a Los Angeles-based correspondent.Read More. That wasn't what was happening when we came in here to thestate department. Casey Stegall is an American journalist who is currently working as a correspondent for Fox News Channel. Legal Statement. I remember what the previous administrationdid. But the positive news on thevaccine front is palpable.MARC THIESSEN, AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: The positive news on thevaccine front is palpable, and the positive news that the Trump-Bidentransition is finally getting underway, and by the way, getting underwayfaster than the Clinton and Bush transition did. Destabilizing Middle East cannotpossibly be the right course of action. Bret?BAIER: Jonathan Serrie in Atlanta. The rambling, shifting, stream-of-consciousness syntax of Casey Stengel has filled thousands of newspaper and magazine pages with anecdotes ranging from amusing and wise to droll and banal, and sometimes vulgar. More than a million references to No. 37 exist on Google and Yahoo. He was on the cover of Time Magazine twice. Wetook away the excuse that the United States was going to appease Iran.And so, we took that away, and in the end, it was a good sovereign decisionby those leaders. 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