If you find she wont eat it like it is, you can add boiled water to make it mushy and once its cooled down, see if shell lick it up. This is usually due to inflammation of the intestines, said Peyton Berookim, a gastroenterologist in Los Angeles. Anal mucus discharge explained. The only difficulty is if the tumor is on her right adrenal, which is next to the vena cava, but if not then the operation is usually very successful. She is about 1 1/2 years old and is very lethargic and is defecating black stool. However, there are several other causes of vomiting in ferrets that could indicate a more serious problem including: Parasites Toxins Foreign body entrapment (esophageal, stomach, or intestinal) Dietary changes ~Nona, Hi from the UK.Found your site after looking for info about one of my little girls poos.After reading,I am of the opinion that it is due to a diet change(adding raw to kibble based).My girls,Freyja and Frigg thank you for your service to ferret kind.Keep up the good work.Love to all furballs,and their human slaves/pete..X, So glad you found my site useful, Tony, and thank you very much for your kind words about it So if you dont see poop and your ferret is vomiting, constantly sleeping, or doesnt move, GO TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY. My guys love their smoothie but I know some friends who say their ferrets arent keen so maybe your girl wont like it. I don't see GI until 3/10. The presence of large amounts of visible mucus in your stool might be a sign of an underlying digestive problem. Second, hemorrhage within the large intestine passes blood into the feces largely unchanged and is bright red (also known as frank blood). Ive put the recipe of my daily smoothie down on this page , https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/natural-remedies-for-ferrets.html, When I got the tincture for Mojo, she hated it so I put the required dose on a little dish then added a little bit of raw egg yolk on top to hide the tincture. This sub is for the discussion of all things ferret related. I just ask because my Mojo has a very swollen belly too, but the vet said it was because of her liver. You should watch out for the reasons why your ferret is stressed and try to calm him. https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/wp-content/uploads/Astaxanthin.pdf. That is a non-medical-related situation you should solve too. It can happen so you can check the ingredients and see if your ferret shows any signs of pain during defecations. All the best Also and I swear this is last question, shes is trembling alot since surgery, could this be due to pain, or seedy poop? A healthy ferret poop is brown with a firm structure. Mix with an electric beater and serve at room temperature. Hello, my senior ferret is pooping clay looking poop. However read this article as it explains how pure pumpkin helped to push a fur blockage out of this ferrets stomach . Hi Kelly When I say checking his poop, I dont mean touching it. Check the color and the structure of the poop. This was the day before yesterday his poopy is what seems normal now as far as what the images on the net show long smooth brownish like a tootsie roll. In rare cases, feces may be a deep gray rather than . Intestinal Parasites. Like most other mammals, ferrets poop and theres a whole system to it as we shall be exploring in this article. Here is a quick reference guide to help you understand what could be going on. Healthy ferret poops dont have mucus so it means something isnt right. Its now Wednesday. I would suggest you take your senior to the vet to see if he has an obstruction of the bile ducts, as it seems that is what causes clay looking poop! Such ailments have little affect on feces, except for pain and straining on passage. After getting stepped on, Moose the ferret passed blood in his poop 8 hours later Our Reaction We have lost so much sleep over this -I don't know how much more we can take. But, it can also happen with bones if you feed your ferret raw meat. They can also make do with chicken, turkey, eggs, and commercial ferret food with at least 40% protein. It is also soft. I would suggest you keep giving him the puree and lax for another day and see if those keyboard bits come out but if they dont, perhaps you should have a search to see if they were stashed instead of ingested?! Some may have abnormally high or low levels of certain blood proteins. Please read up my page about blockages I hope he doesnt have one because ferrets go downhill very quickly and need an operation to remove the blockage. Are these serious symptoms of ECE? Green poop Green colored stool is a very non-specific sign. Excess mucus can occur due to IBS, Crohn's, UC, or proctitis. It is not normal and should warrant a trip to the vet, especially if it is a recurring event. Will try to concentrate on your comment tomorrow so please do not think I am ignoring your post!! She writes posts about ferret health, behavior, diet, and every topic you should know when owning a ferret. The Best Ferret Food for Happy, Healthy Pets, Ferret Poop: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know, AdviceHub, Available here: https://petopedia.petscorner.co.uk/looking-after-ferrets/, Friendly Ferret, Available here: https://friendlyferret.com/ferret-poop/, Gardening Know How, Available here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/manures/ferret-poop-in-compost.htm. Can I assume you live in the States? Oh Jayy, your poor little girl. One of the easiest ways to know if your ferret is healthy is by checking his poop. Another ferret owner wrote about the wonders of canned pure pumpkin. Ty. The only thing I could think of regarding your babies is to build up their immune systems! Copyright 2022 FerretVoice. Ive also heard good results about Rebound Liquid Diet. She hasnt really had an issue like this before which is why it was alarming. Hopefully theres nothing sinister about Milos condition but as I said, please dont wait too long before getting him checked out by a (ferret) vet if possible. ~Nona. If your ferret is showing dark green poop, it might indicate that he is suffering from some kind of stress. It helps lubricate stool as it moves through the bowels and can protect bowel walls from more abrasive foods that you might eat (e.g. Oh Margarita, I am so sorry to hear that You should keep in mind that not all litters are safe for your ferret. If your ferret loves you, he will kiss you on the arm, face (especially nose and eyebrows), feet, and any other part of the body. Ferrets have a fast metabolism so they will poop many times a day. Any condition that causes intestinal hypermotility, or the feces to move faster than the normal four-hour transit time for ferrets, results in incomplete digestion of biliverdin, and green feces. ~Nona, I also wanted to add she just recently got her shots (distemper and rabies) not sure if that affects anything. However dont leave it too long as if its caused by a bug or something then the sooner you get her to a vet to be checked out, the better itd be for your girl. He had X-rays and bloodwork and was diagnosed with a heliobacter infection based mostly on his symptoms (anorexia, teeth grinding, and tarry stools) since the X-rays and bloodwork showed nothing abnormal. Symptoms include yellow mucus, loose/soft stool, mucus coating on the stool, flatulence, chronic diarrhea, crankiness and lethargy. We mentioned green stools earlier in the article. If she refuses to drink, get a small syringe and syringe the liquid into her mouth but MAKE SURE you point the syringe across her mouth, and that you squirt into the side of her cheek and NOT down her throat. So also in the past two weeks I started to wing him into new food from the 1 in 8 from petco to Evo kibble which I have read that it is alot better for them and could possibly solve the issue. Seedy ferret poop usually means that your ferret didnt digest food properly, it came too quickly through the system and it usually means undigested fats. ~Nona. ? Also, it is highly contagious so keep the affected ferret away from other ferrets in your home. Green colored stool is a very non-specific sign. I am so sorry that I cant give you a definite answer but I hope whatever is wrong with your baby will be fixed and that shell be back to her old self ASAP! When it comes to color, it can be in many colors from green, yellow, orange, brown to dark brown, even black. This type of inflammatory. If you can get this brand, then Id suggest you change over and see how your little girl goes with the new food! Hopefully youll be able to find a vet near to you , My ferret has been pooping every 30 minutes is that normal she is five months btw and she is a marshal ferret on Marshall kibble, Hi Bella Go to poop r/poop . You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Do you think I should keep an eye on her or take her to the vet asap? The most common abnormal ferret poop is seedy ferret poop. However, the black poop is meal-dependent and it shouldnt persist for a long time. The first stop is the oral cavity. Cancer has many symptoms, such as the loss of muscle or skin tone, hair loss, poor coat quality, flaky and itchy skin, red patches, abdominal fat deposits and a strong, musky odor. They do more harm than good and owners should always dispose of them as quickly as possible. In small amounts bood is usually from the large bowel or rectum. It could be stress, but it could also be parasites or some other digestive problems. Three components color, shape and consistency are used to characterize ferret poop and might help determine where a problem in the G.I. Its hard to get a ferret to change its diet but, to be honest, Marshalls isnt the best food to give to a ferret. Traveling with Ferrets. You should react as soon as possible because a blockage can be fatal for ferrets. I also found out she snores at night now, it almost sounds like a whimper but I googled the sound and it sounds just like snoring. ? Its so adorable when ferrets snore, dont you think? He had really skinny poop that was greenish and I was convinced he had a blockage, as all signs seemed to point to that. Seek advice, share In the initial stages of potty training, you should place a few droppings of your ferrets feces in the tray. Its full of goodness and will help to give her the nutrients she needs. Tries but nothing comes out. We have pets (dogs, ferrets, cats, fishes) and love to share our pets care tips and tricks with you! These symptoms will usually appear within a baby's first two months of life. My fianc and I thought maybe she is still having a hard time adjusting sharing her things with the new ferrets so we went out and bought them each their own bowl. Monitoring poop occasionally is a good part of keeping tabs on your pets health, or monitoring response to therapy for ferrets with some GI problems (very common issues in the older ferret). http://www.virbacferretsusa.com/pet-owner-resources/clinic-locator-results, I dont know how much itll cost in the States it cost me A$100 to get an implant for my boy Angus and the implant lasts for one year. Moreover, a more serious situation with blockage is that the blocked up, closed intestines will gather the gas which can be fatal for your ferret. Luna is pretty much the same as Pluto just that she did not develop the diarrhea. She was very happy to have it like that so maybe you could try that with the melatonin if Samys happy to lick the yolk. Because shes totally bald, I could see how swollen her glands were as well around her neck, shoulders, under her arms. I know, as I had a few like that so I just bought good kibble like Ziwi Peak for them. If you feed your ferret with good quality kibble, you will see poop a few times a day. However, the color and consistency of ferret poop can vary depending on their diet. And especially if they sleep with a bit of their tongue poking out! Your ferret might have eaten something and upset its stomach so monitor your ferret and wait for the second poop. I am sending her lots of get-well vibes from across the seas and hugs to you too. It is called that way because the most common illness that results in a green poop is ECE epizootic catarrhal enteritis. Keep your ferrets healthy and check their poop regularly! So if your ferret experienced some specific situation that could cause him stress, it might result in this type of poop. I hope youll be able to give Samy something to make her feel better! I will look forward to hearing your update , Hi Nona, my sweet boy, sora, ate part of a keyboard cover. Do you have a ferret vet that you can take him to? Assume those links are affiliate links which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. All Rights Reserved, https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/ferrets/index.html, https://www.seattle.gov/Documents/Departments/AnimalShelter/care-guides/care-sheet-ferret.pdf. Finally diseases of the anus are also fairly rare in ferrets and limited to some rare tumors and anal sac inflammation (often the result of a bacterial infection or a poor job of de-scenting). Stool normally contains a small amount of mucus a jellylike substance that your intestines make to keep the lining of your colon moist and lubricated. Cheers Also, the vet gave her pills of melatonin that she takes daily. All three photos are Ferret Harmony. At a young age, ferrets produce much more poop than adults. Although unlikely, but sometimes, a raw meat bone can also cause blockage in your ferret. Shes only 2 yrs old, still very active. A yellow ferret liquid poop can be one of the symptoms of ECE I mentioned in the green ferret poop. God bless you! Water and food consumption are okay as are bowel movements and peeing. ? Talk again soon! But thanks for the heads up . Completely liquid diarrhea with mucus when I wipe. Black ferret poop can be a sign of a medical condition but it also doesnt have to be, if you feed your ferret with raw meat. Oh Margarita, youre more than welcome! If this animal defecates (as they so often do right before expiring), it passes a large bolus of blood. He also was not into the pumpkin puree, even after adding a bit of ferretone, and warming it in microwave, but he did eat some of it. I listed them oldest to youngest and also in the order I got them. That poop color si usually combined with tarry consistency and mucus. It had mucous but it had the texture of normal poop. The main thing to keep in mind is that there's a huge range of normal. hes on dry food because off it . Like some people think Purina is good dog food but it isnt it has tons of by-product in it which dogs can be allergic to etc. But as of now I hope the newer food could help him get normal again but I just wanted to contact you and see if you have any suggestions becuase the vet says the next step will be an 150$ test for a blood panel which is hard after getting laid off a few weeks ago. I hope her poop looks normal now but if youre worried, you should take her to the vet with a sample of her poop to be checked out! Thank you so much Nona! Greenish poop Could be caused by a number of things, including ECE, proliferative colitis and lymphoma In such a situation, the blood comes from the throat or stomach and indicates that the food is digested before it reaches the intestine. Hugs to your little man from his new friends down under! Hence, they can process their food very quickly. If the runny poop is green in color, or if your ferret remains lethargic, tired, and suffers from vomiting, you should visit the vet. For example, if a ferret eats a lot of grass, their poop may be greener in color. Often this is seen in diseases like inflammatory bowel disease (in which the bodys immune system attacks its own villi) or in the healing stages of ECE. Acting pretty lethargic and not wanting to play, but will walk around and claw at his cage to come out. Ferrets typically poop around three to four times a day on average due to their fast metabolism. Just dont overdo it a little ferret poop gazing goes a long way. He pooped almost very soon after the ferret lax and nothing turned up. However still take him to the vet as it might be something serious which is troubling him and causing his poop to be bad! Advised us to keep giving him the medication and also gave us a probiotic and carnivore care nutrition supplement just in case he was still not wanting to eat or drink. His bowel movements were greenish in color. This pigment goes through a green stage called biliverdin before it becomes brown. Other Causes Mucus in stool can accompany constipation. Requested URL: holisticferret60.proboards.com/thread/12030/mucus-poop, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36. Has anyone experienced anything like this. That explains why they can mess up a house with their poop in one day if they are not properly potty-trained. It is a no-brainer that your ferret will undergo a lot of pain and will have difficulty in defecation. Read on to know all about your ferrets poop and what the various colors and structures indicate. Id suggest the best thing to do is to take him to a ferret vet to be checked over. My ferret has grainy and mucusy looking poop what do I need to get to heal him. At a young age, ferrets produce much more poop than adults. http://aus.ourbotanicals.com/product/spleen-tincture/. The ferret may even suffer extreme weight loss if it vomiting chronically. But, kissing can also be a sign of a ferret inviting you to play which is a sign of affection itself so I don't mind it and I am sure you wouldn't either. Can We Use Essential Oils Around Ferrets Or Are They Toxic? Some risk factors include: Dietary changes Heres a list of ferret food so you can check to see if the brand youre serving up is good for him or not , https://ferretedu.weebly.com/ferret-food-charts.html. Hi Christopher As we mentioned before, ferrets like to poop in corners. Please give your little girl a big but gentle hug from her new fuzzy buddies down under I love her and I really appreciate her. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Your ferrets poop can appear dark brown to black and soft if he has eaten liver or heart. It is known scientifically as the Mustela furo and can be found across Europe, especially in forests and grasslands. Anja is a Friendly Ferret owner and a ferret parent who is involved in the ferret world for more than 10 years. Im sorry but I have no knowledge about how long Sora should poop after having the pumpkin puree as I havent been able to find that product here in Western Australia ? You will also have a chance to participate in giveaways and look at tons of beautiful ferrets all over the world! If you examine the mucus in poop just once, maybe due to a change in the ferrets diet, then there is nothing to worry about. So we went back to the vet for another emergency visit. Think of skinny poop or green coloured poop. Pooping is more frequent in young ferrets. Make sure to monitor your ferret and remove the stress from his life if you know what caused it. https://www.all-about-ferrets.com/ferret-vets.html, I hope that has been of some help to you and I am sorry that I couldnt give you any definite answers. Just like in the cage, cover all corners with toys, sleeping bags (with the ferret's smell), and food trays, so they avoid those places. I found someone on the old Holistic Ferret Forum who was very impressed at how Bene-Bac had helped her ferret improve after a bad bout of diarrhea so perhaps you could try that on Luna and see if it helps to pick her up? I tried giving her liquid pumpkin (suggested by our regular pet store where we bought her at.) This isnt necessarily needed for a female ferret. Doses for laxative: 1-2 TBS every four hours until signs of matter appear in stool. We cant know that for sure so the best thing you can do is monitor your ferret and wait for the second poop. http://www.myferretpet.com/2014/05/my-ferret-has-diarrhea-causes-and.html, Hi Nona, My 2 year old ferret simon has been sick for about 10 days. ~Nona, 1 of My Ferrets is having a hard time pooping what can I do 2 help My Boy out, Ludine, if your ferret has a blockage then you MUST take it to the vet. Putting it in compost may not work either as this plan may backfire and contaminate the rest of the compost. Hugs to your little lady from her new friends down under and I hope she gets better soon! In your stool might be something serious which is why it was because of her liver can! With chicken, turkey, eggs, and commercial ferret food with least! Turned up all things ferret related rather than a chance to participate in ferret mucus poop and at! Sure to monitor your ferret experienced some specific situation that could cause him stress, it happen! 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