Thank you. I hope you can forward some of these views to your press contacts Jessica. On a practical note, with the mental health issue, which is seriously very concerning, I find it strange that she received no help from the gynaecological team at The Portland Hospital. Issues of race, gender and mental health have lately been forced in the forefront. The astrology has always said that Charles will never be king. This will make life difficult for the two of them and they are not destined to stay together for the rest of their lives. By. It is also Bill Clintons Sun sign. You have been the most incredible guide throughout the past years as weve gone through one challenge after another. What is Meghans relationship with Kate like according to their birth charts? As a psychic and astrologer, I am clear that the real issue is the unreleased Part Two of the Oprah, Meghan and Harry Show. Youre also the third person this morning to have mentioned the speculation about Prince Harry and his real father. Her Majesty the Queen making a Russia joke, in a highly entertaining interview? Did Meghan consult a psychic? Thank you so much. The fallout would humiliate Charles but also paint him (in my opinion) in a generous & kind light, and Harrys motives, his pain and desperate separation from the Firm, his accusations against the family, while no doubt engendering understandable sympathy, would also start to look very different in the publics eyes. On the surface, at first glance I thought the motivation for this interview was about revenge on the Royal Family for her perceived mistreatment. What could this mean in real life examples? There is no point in talking about Thursday the 10th of June 2021 as a day to watch. Share this: Tweet Share Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. In the past post, maybe in 2017, you mentioned that Royal Family will go through restructuring the firm. I am sure your thoughts will fascinate people who are discussing this now. All this drama with this couple does makes a lot more sense if Harrys recently confirmed hes Hewitts son. He may be easier to anger than usual. She suddenly becomes also financially dependend on a family, that does not care for her or her offspring. Eclipses blot out; they conceal. There must surely be the cream of Harley Street as well, just waiting for a call. I am also a health professional so to me it is very obvious that Meghan is a very manipulative and destructive narcissist who lies a lot and destroys every relationship. Sorry, its me again! He lost his mother, now he has lost his brother. But no, it had to be during Philips hospitalisation and within a day or two of Ghislaine Maxwells brother claiming her jail conditions are torture. This is her little Russia joke made to everybodys favourite Pisces astronomer. For when he replaces Lord Peel on April 1, the Cambridge-educated amateur ornithologist is going to have to make an eagle-eyed assessment of the fall-out from the Duke and Duchess of Sussexs interview with Oprah Winfrey. I suspect they will however eventually secede from the succession and lose the right to use the official titles of Prince and Princess Harry (just as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor lost the right to use the official titles of King and Queen). As you read on this website here way back on December 16th, 2017, Meghan Markle is a Leo, but she has a strong Taurus chart signature, which is always about money. Something I will tell you every professional medium I know was unaccountably angry at the wedding. This has drawn a bigger discussion than most events in the last 12 months, and I can see 136 comments and 7 in the queue. The entire House of Windsor will be reshaped and restructured, as the problem is always finance, and given this is a much-divorced firm it is highly unusual. Quite frankly I and my associates saw that lack of true intimacy in the engagement film and we now see it in the Oprah film. Interestingly, the last noted public appearance of Bill Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell was at a dinner in 2014. Thank you so much. And of course Prince Andrew. Hi Jessica It will be kept, of course, as its dynamite, but like a miracle, in the weeks ahead, Ghislaine Maxwell will cut a deal; the ghost of Jeffrey Epstein will vanish; Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden will go quiet. Hes the handsome businessman I saw, psychically. Where are the other gains? Interesting. (Swimming did it, in the end) Thanks so much. Its really not about racism at all as it happened to Diana in the past! And now another Democrat has supported Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. There are a lot of questions. You want to know if Meghan will get her karma. Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton obviously knew Diana best as she confided in them, of course. On the Wallis Simpson issue, my Mum also called it. They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips. This happened according to the interview right after Royal Albert Hall when she wanted to take her life but she could not get any help . You all want to know and discuss more and I am really happy to continue the discussion, as we have 100 comments now. I expect that outcome very much depends on Ghislaine Maxwell, now, in jail. Saw #TheWedding and been saying all along that something isnt right with MM (Meghan Markle). Here is Oprah Winfrey recently promoting Clevr, the American drink company Meghan Markle bought shares in. She was apparently enraged at the wedding and is further enraged now, because of course William has been left in tears and separated from his brother. People dislike her because if you have any intelligence or wisdom, you can always see through her lies. sexism and bullying which have been thrown in here in an incendiary fashion. Cheeky chappie Harrys rudeness and breach of protocol at an official Royal event hadnt gone unnoticed though as both William and Kate just blanked him. It is hard to not suspect the timings are as deliberately schemed as Meghans copying of Dianas outfits. On a side note, James Hewitt today looks awful and so much older than his 62 years. The anger you feel is felt by a lot of people. Incredible, isnt it? So, Edward and Mrs Simpson are at the heart of the events of 2021. Do you think it is, directly, because of this? But only for a brief moment. . She needs to show the American public that she and maybe Harry are no longer Royal full stop. Will she make a fortune for charity or will the Charity Commission of the UK have a problem with her accounting? Dukedoms are hereditary and I cant see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being stripped of theirs. Updated. They talk about dehumanizing of MM but they are so brutal to the family. Youll remember Princess Margaret was one of the original 1970s jetsetters, more at home island-hopping and cruising the world, than staying in rainy Britain. Below, the huge spike in Twitter impressions from my Analytics on March 9th 2021 shows one tiny part of global Twitter traffic for #Meghan #Harry #Oprah. All it really means is a loss of precedence at official functions and no one will be required to curtsey to them. Judge for yourself. As I think Ive said elsewhere; if the Winfrey show had to be broadcast at all, it makes no sense that it go out now; surely the first viewing of the new baby would have delivered a greater advertising dollar spend? In middle and later life she also became involved with charitable causes she cared about deeply such as AIDS and Landmines where she changed peoples opinions and brought about change in a way few other people could have. You will find that MI5 and MI6 become involved from this point. These comments are helping me not to get stressed. Thank you for this article. Here is a woman, who made a fortune with her profession. So were on the same page. He predicts that Charles will inherit the crown in a period just after September 2020, after which he will pursue Harry's return to the royal family. I think that was obvious early on she spoke out against Trump prior to being married to Harry and was out of the picture on the Trump visit. The photographs tell us the story, dont they. Later on, though, that date will become significant. You can see the video here; fast-forward to the end of the program. They have uncannily similar horoscopes. SInce the royal family benefits from public coffers, British law-makers should implement DNA testing into law. The obvious lies of course. His claims of being cut off financially, dont seem to reconcile with their Jan 8th 2020, announcement to step back and to become financially independent. Sorry to be posting again so soon, but I was just looking at Meghans natal chart and was wondering about some aspects. Good to know that you feel the Royal Family will be OK in the long run, but it is a sad business. She feels something is wrong with Meghans persona. Your question about Harry seemingly being unable to help his wife with her depression is repeated by so many readers here. I hate to see it, if so. The first thing I thought of was your comment that people would remember the interview being aired whilst the Prince was in hospital seriously ill. It surfaced again during this television show. I just re-read your Leo 2017-2019 post. So many saying that Harry and Meghan are victims but I dont think we will ever see them queuing up to use the food bank. Can astrology reveal that Megan and Harry are not alone and that there is another man in this relationship because according to news Andrew was connected to young girls??? I will share this with Tara Buffington. We dont know why, or for what reason. (would be interesting to see a palm reading of Meghan by an expert). I did not know Princess Michael of Kent wore an offensive brooch. "The healing power of motherhood is what strikes me . I tried to see her as others did, a great hope and a barrier breaker, but all I saw was lies. There is another story that the Winfrey show was really about Meghans investment in Clevr. This is a point of view Ive not read before. I dont know why but my intuition says that I think growing up she really connected into Diana and she became one of her heroes. You want to know about the American attitude towards Markle, any regrets by the pair about America and the response to Markle, should she return to Britain. So many issues demand a measured approach rather than a knee-jerk response. Ukraine's interior minister among at least 14 killed in a helicopter crash. It turns out, it isnt. Unlike other posters here, I dont believe for a second that James Hewitt is Harrys father. Right after their first date, she returned her engagement ring to the then husband, by Fedex! It goes into The Special Relationship between America and Britain, and its tied to Maxwell, Epstein, Clinton, Trump and Prince Andrew. Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. Does she keep everyone at arms length merely acting out a closeness which she doesnt actually feel. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will continue to face major changes throughout the year. And even if you resign, if people feel they are owed, they are not going to let you off lightly. I was hoping hed make it to 100 but it wasnt to be. Hi Jessica the article and all the posts are fascinating. Whaaaaaat?? And now he has children with her (Im sure they will be used as pawns in all of this in years to come), he will never be fully shot of Markles controlling tentacles, so to speak. I think the Brits mostly see through her, unless you happen to be a Guardian journalist and have fallen for the performance of a D list actress. Its Prince Philips hospital stay that has drawn more comments than anything else on my Twitter account. There has been huge interest (1.88 million Tweet interest) in these stories. As you said some where in the comments, it looks like it will vanish very quickly. I completely agree with Tara, I remember seeing Meghan at an event on the news, and what I seen just made me question her authenticity. So youve also noticed the timing of Harry and Meghans choices! However, one look at the comments here and Id say that the vast majority have sympathy for the Duke of Edinburgh, only lately released from hospital, and Her Majesty the Queen, who had to endure this during what must have been one of the biggest crises of their lives. I may have been able to draw up horoscopes in my teenage years with compass, pertracter, yearly ephemeris and thankfully a calculator, (so much quicker than log tables), but the interpretation was not my strong point. Just a glimpse into the machinations of the unimaginably wealthy and powerful. Harry is clearly Hewitts son, so not from the royal line. The most famous astrologer in the world is used to being badgered everywhere she goes by friends and strangers alike. ACN 644668431. Thats a cover-up. I have never really taken to MM and I promise you its nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I am wondering if the House of Windsor might not update its policy on the business and charity side of the firm. Meghans political capital to the Democrats (especially now she lives in California again) is real. Low level.Id like to se Harry 10 years or longer ahead.Why did I? Hi Jessica, I, like others have followed your work for years and seen prediction after prediction come to fruition. Theres information that Meghan was married twice before marrying Harry, not just once? Do you think this interview can break the commonwealth and whether (prince?) This could have run at any time. Yes, the reader who picked up on the timing of media publicity with personal dates, like birthdays, was making an incredible discovery. I am just shaking my head at this. Shop for Crystals. 6 Go MM and Harry and Oprah!! How interesting that the Vedic astrologer also mentions 2025. This is the video, which originally ran in 2018 on Entertainment Tonight. In the year 2026 he could easily leave America. According to Kelly, that means he is. Frankly I wish it would back fire on the pair spectacularly. As far as 'earthiness' goes, he's probably as down-to-Earth as anyone could be. I have read a lot about this since it exploded and I think Tony Parsons of all the media, has expressed what millions are thinking and feeling. Meghan was born on 4 August 1981. Thank you Jessica your predictions continue to blow me away! Now, psychic Georgina Walker has added fuel to the fire by sharing her big predictions for the contentious couple. A mans life is more important than money, surely. America has always been crazy for the two boys! How about mother of 2, Polly Ross who killed herself while depressed. The American side of the story has been in the charts forever, and in fact I remember filing a story on the Leo eclipses (Leo rules royalty) and hidden plots and plans, some years ago. Hi Jessica, I have been following the comments keenly, as like so many, having firstly, been enthralled by the legacy of Diana and full of respect for her, and then the gut feel that something is not as it seems with Meghan. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your intriguing work, Jessica. The amazing Debbie Frank and Penny Thornton, occasional guest tutors at The Sun Sign School and friends of mine, have made some strong astrology forecasts about Meghan and Harry. That seems like an odd imbalance. And youre also not the first person to ask, if this is consciously done, or unconsciously! However, things have moved on, all too sadly. You have done some amazing research there. Maybe during an eclipse I wonder if it will wait until the big one in 2024, with those patterns at 18. When do you think they might lose their titles? We have to really look at it in isolation (when she was the divorced, single actress Meghan Markle) and then later, when she becomes the Duchess of Sussex, on her second marriage, and a new mother. As you can tell, Im not just American, Im very Capricorn. This follows the predictions you read here at the time of their wedding, that there would be major questions about the couples finances. I said it once and Ill say it again: DNA test ,DNA test, DNA test Please! Also, both Princes have inherited their fathers unfortunate family trait of balding in the same familiar pattern, just like Prince Philip. She is born under the sign of special, Leo, and all Leos are kings and queens in their own realms. That Harry and Meghan are eliciting sympathy across the globe is another matter entirely what is the world coming to when we seemingly have lost sympathy for people who need food banks but can muster up Twitter outrage for this pair? The two astrological charts for Harry and Meghan show his enormous burden as he was never really trained to shoulder media, business, charity, fatherhood, marriage and royal responsibility. Read Tony Parsons in The Sun. To be honest, much of his birth chart is in Earth signs, meaning that he is strong-willed . Jessica WOW!!! She will not return to Britain; I doubt she will ever be forgiven for timing the show when Prince Philip was so dangerously ill in hospital. Why go to air and create a crisis when Prince Philip is in hospital with a heart condition? Its in the stars. And likewise, help from her mother or father; her friends and as another reader has pointed out, one of the worlds greatest hospitals, where she gave birth to Archie. I did not know that Steve Bing was reported to have taken his life, or that he was at dinner with Bill Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell in their last public appearance. We know the Winfrey story (above). If you go back to the original predictions (Leo Eclipses) youll see the story was also about The Special Relationship between the USA and UK. MI5 will win. Royal Astrologer's Wild Predictions for Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Access Hollywood 1.6M subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 775K views 2 years ago #Royals #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry Was. Admittedly, a few days before the interview was broadcasted, I had a strong feeling that this was the beginning of the end for Oprah, CBS, Meghan and Harry. During an expansive interview with Oprah, Meghan Markle revealed that she and Prince Harry had a secret wedding ceremony on May 16, 2018, three days prior to their public one, which was viewed by over two billion people globally. Its about The Special Relationship between America and England and the problems with that created by the alleged suicide of Epstein and the imprisonment of Maxwell. Tiger. Morgan's prediction for the royal couple contradicts the opinion of royal expert Lady Colin Campbell, who said in April that their marriage wouldn't last. He has a mixed race family too and has been furious on behalf of the House of Windsor. That is something else I need to research thank you. We have to judge facts in the end, not words CBS. For those people who embrace change it will be a . Hi Jessica, but most media framed the story in the same way. Prince Harry has clearly inherited Prince Charles close-set eyes who got it form his father, Prince Phillip. Diana, Princess of Wales, relied on both women for astrological advice and friendship, as Andrew Morton reveals in what is essentially Dianas autobiography. It is really interesting to see how many readers here did not watch the interview, but preferred to look elsewhere for the information. The comments are pretty interesting, arent they! She is almost setting up an alternate competing Royal household (and yes future American President/Vice-President tilt). We have a lot of astrology informaton including Prince Harry Astrology 2021 data. Thanks Angelina. The Royal Family is a royal farce. No professional psychic or astrologer would be surprised if the much-discussed part two of the Oprah-Harry-Meghan interview goes away. Harry will indeed feel that he has emerged from a dream, or woken up from a trance. It was really on that level, but without bloodshed. I still question why these top Democrats Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton have felt motivated to make public statements about what should be a private, domestic, British matter. I have been following this with interest and there is a lot I could say on the subject, which has obviously gripped the majority of your followers too. The royal family seems to be the most fantastic PR opportunity for her. Caroline. Not that you can blame her! As is Harry. I suspect there may have been some truth in that particular scene! Accurate Prediction from 2017 Will and Kate 2022 When will Charles be King Prince Andrew 2022 to 2027 Lady Diana Prediction SPECIAL CORONAVIRUS PREDICTIONS 2020 to 2024 Just keep digging, Harry and Meghan! It was always the withheld part two. The Guardian published an article on 17th February titled From Nelly to Doug: nicknames emerge for a growing list of Covid variants Meghan will be tempted to sign a lucrative book deal to write her autobiography. We are not perfect, but we are definitely NOT what they have portrayed. You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! I see the Daily Mail Meghan has a tab on the top of the page. It is also about the exhaustion of having so many projects, plans, commitments and responsibilities that it is hard to do more than just blindly move towards the goal. As a Leo (Meghan) and a Capricorn (Kate), the two are five signs apart, which is an awkward angle known as a quincunx in astrospeak. This published prediction about cover-ups in 2017 was such a long time ago, that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein had not even been thought of. All this said she appears narcissistic in the extreme all the hallmarks are there, love bombing, playing the victim and isolating her partner from their family and loved ones. Its so tragic. I thought then that you probably knew he was going to pass soon. Many thanks. Meghans psychic in Los Angeles, Richard Win also predicted adoption, according to The Sun. If you ran that company, you would be vigilant then. I love the fact, that she decided to not abide these rules. The New War of the Rose The Male Windsors. Their trump card! We all have the right to question! So hard to imagine how it feels like for him. According to the guide, Prince Edward, currently Earl of Wessex, will be styled Duke of Edinburgh on the death of Prince Philip. And honestly, I thought its not a top news on CNN. it simply doesnt work. Astrologer Predicts the Tragic End for Harry in 2021: Frustrated at FadingHello and welcome to Kate Middleton and The Queen's news channel. But thank you for letting me see Donalds latest fantasy. I dont think anyone would deny an actress becomes an actress, because she wants the spotlight. It will be financial. I did not watch & I just could not watchIt does not make any sense for these people to risk their reputations by looking so small! The bigger question is The Firm. Its not personal, because most of us never met him, and its not unexpected, because of his advanced age, but his passing has really affected so many readers and people on Twitter. I am no fan of any royal family but Harry turned out to be a traitor to his country, his family and his people. Perhaps creating a feeling of It is us against the world or something? Anyway, from a psychic/energetic point of view I am getting major strange vibes. Can you do little bit more for Ghislaine Maxwell like some type of reading because if this article is correct its also scary 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. It is as well to spell out the facts as we know them. There is a difference though between The Truth and My/Your Truth which seems to be a very popular Oprah psycho-babble term. He and Meghan currently reside in California. We are fortunate to have two charts for Diana, showing the two different times she gave and Penny Thornton and Debbie Frank have both successfully worked with these two angles on the same person, since she was their client. Some of my Harry, Meghan and Oprah psychic astrology predictions from as far back as 2017 are coming to pass. Tara is a gifted psychic and I am sure you have seen her YouTube channel. I didnt know Winfrey hounded Diana, Princess of Wales for an interview, either. The future predictor knew that they would leave the royal family, it has been revealed. Media attention in 2021 will turn again to Oprah Winfrey and her stunning promotion of Meghans shares and investments in the oat milk latte company, Clevr. You are solely responsible for what you post. Dont know why its affected me so much. I also think the timing with Prince Phillip in hospital is a curious issue he has been quoted as making very racists comments in the past (just Google them) Is the timing of the Oprah interview when he is in hospital some kind of revenge for this? I dont listen to her! I say with irony ! As far as I know nobody has picked it up. I am an Indian and as you must be aware, we believe in karma. What really helps in such situations is to forget everything else except absolute, historic facts. I find that really interesting. The chart locks into several national horoscopes, for a start, in The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, 2004). Im surprised that it is happening even in NYC. Thank you for your comments. They just couldnt keep that matter to themselves, not even for an extra week. His Rising Capricorn makes him ambitious and very much a 'hands-on' kind of person. Will they ever return to the UK? It was Prince Charles who walked Megan to the asile on their wedding day not her father. Sometimes I publish a prediction and it comes true within hours or days. Meghan, Oprah, Harry and CBS could have put this to air any time. I know that kindergarten in Pimlico, as I used to stay a few streets away, whenever I visited London. I guess the reality for Meghan is that if you receive taxpayers money because of your role in the House of Windsor, at a certain point you become an employee of the people. You need good astrology software to narrow down the future to a single day, and my friend, the astrologer Stephanie Johnson, kindly created two charts for me, using AstroGold. Life is not always about money and I have lost some respect for Winfrey. I think this was always her plan so she was playing the Duchess role but at the same time had her true ambition in her mind, thus creating the conflict that Tara and I (and many others) were picking up on. Jessica: Having read these 45 comments my thoughts stray towards how this story might fit as part of a Neptunian mass delusion. REALLY love your articles on current issues. And I will have an image search on the bike claim. And I had an overwhelming feeling watching MM, that she is reacting to, or re-acting out if you will, wounds and karma via a bad scenario from a much older, ancient royal family dynamic. No doubt she has a victim mentality even when she is not the victim! The couple shared an instant connection, according to Harry. You are wondering if the marriage will last I guess this is relevant to us as taxpayers, who fund the House of Windsor. We are at a time where truths are being revealed almost daily about individuals, institutions, governments who have endorsed or covered up appalling behaviour and there are so many genuine and horrible issues coming to light. Its strange. I have no idea whether the above statements are correct since.. Interesting to also note that Harry says his father never took him on back of a bike yet we have pictures as mentioned above of Harry with Charles. This is the crucial footage that the public has been tantalised with. Astrology does not show delusions or paranoia. The Queen 2022 Predictions. This makes him a practical Virgo sun with a grounded Taurus moon. Thanks for all you do and keep on shining a light You can see the video here; fast-forward to the end of the program. Yes, there is a classic Neptune delusion at the moment. What about this investment in the coffee alternative ? Getting into character its called, before the script arrives. Thank you. Between her and Democrats? Kate and William are hugely popular in Australia but nobody can jet around the world as they did. The headline you read here four years ago was The New War of the Rose The Male Windsors and you might remember it from a long piece about the Leo eclipses and the cover-ups involving Buckingham Palace. It's Megxit! I saw this last year and told Gina Lazenby at The Conscious Cafe, that Christmas 2020 was a critical time for Charles, Prince of Wales and Her Majesty the Queen, in terms of the finances of the entire royal family (including Harry and Meghan). Where was her support mechanism? Is it less harmful than if it was during the start or middle rather than the fading part of the cycle? Winfrey, Meghan and Harry, and CBS could have delayed broadcast of their attack on the family and did not. Its the elephant in the room, isnt it? You dont envy Parker his role, do you? So the average longevity or life spna predictions for Meghan markle's based on her kundli or horoscope would be near 80 years the average of 65/75 and 88 years. It seems that this ambition has no boundaries or scruples. How amazing that you have spotted that. 'Harry and Meghan were "not welcome" at star-studded BAFTA Tea Party in Los Angeles - with London executives deciding it would be a PR disaster following the fallout of Spare', sources claim Because if you have been some Truth in that particular scene harry meghan astrology predictions 2021 be. And honestly, I thought its not a top news on CNN see... Get stressed be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, so not from Royal. Very much a & # x27 ; hands-on & # x27 ; hands-on & # x27 kind... Who made a fortune for charity or will the charity Commission of the page have. Years or longer ahead.Why did I with Kate like according to Harry visited London a entertaining. 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