'eventValue': 'event_value', In remote locations, stand-alone systems can be more cost-effective than extending a power line to the electricity grid (the cost of which can range from $15,000 to $50,000 per mile). They incorporated a sensor network into the new I-35W bridge (at less than 0.5% of total cost) that provides full -situational awareness of stressors, fatigue, material, and chemical changes, so as to measure and understand the precursors to failure and to enable proactive and corrective actions. The internet took thirteenth place on this list, highways were ranked eleventh, but sitting at the top of the list as the most important engineering achievement of the 20th century was the development of the present electric power grid. AMI enables consumer-friendly efficiency concepts like Prices to Devices. With this, assuming that energy is priced on what it costs in near real-time, price signals are relayed to smart home controllers or end-consumer devices like thermostats, washer/dryers, or refrigerators, typically the major consumers of electricity in the home. Since 1989, Mr. Gies has worked at AT&T-Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies/Alcatel-Lucent as a product safety engineer, responsible for obtaining product safety certifications for his companys telephone and information processing equipment from domestic and international product safety organizations. Colombia, for example, has faced up to 200 terrorist attacks per year on its transmission infrastructure over the last 11 years, as reported in a recent IEEE Power & Energy Magazine article by Corredor and Ruiz. These standards include IEEE C2, National Electrical Safety Code, and CSA C22.3, Canadian Electrical Code, Part III.. DDoS attacks utilize networks of infected computerswhose owners often do not even know that they have been infectedto overwhelm target networks with millions of fake requests for information over the Internet. if (typeof arguments[5] === 'object') { var newtracker = function () { border: none !important; To operate the electric systems in safe mode, the power system component should be equipped with intelligent controllers. NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems NFPA 101: Life Safety Code NFPA 70: National Electrical Code, Article 517: Health Care Facilities, Article 700: Emergency Systems, Article 701: Legally Required Standby Systems, Article 702: Optional Standby Systems, and Article 708: Critical Operations Power Systems sensing, communication, data management, and mathematical and theoretical foundations to support a better, faster, and higher-confidence understanding of what is going on, leading to improved state and topology estimation and fast look-ahead simulation. Facilities that rely on access control, CCTV surveillance, and other security systems often overlook a piece of their system that can shut down the entire system if it isnt properly maintained: battery backup. switchLogin(); As a result, several key privacy concerns need to be addressed, including those outlined by the Cyber Security Working Group of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is not yet known what the smart-grid killer app is going to be, but like pre-season predictions of who is going to win the Super Bowl or the World Cup, some think that it is going to be plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and possibly full electric vehicles (EVs). This would mean that either IEC 60950-1 or IEC 62368-1 are used to evaluate the communications and information technology subsystems, and communication links would be classified TNV, limited-power circuits, or the like if metallic, and other non-metallic communication technologies such as optical or wireless would be evaluated accordingly. Uninterruptable power. Creating Custom Bells; Guardian Bells. Power industry experts look to the smart grid in much the same manner as computer and telecommunications experts looked at the advent of the internet, or information superhighway less than a generation ago. Human System Interactions, Catania, Italy, 2009, pp. Try again later. var f = arguments[len - 1]; The smart grid promises to bring on a new age of distributing electricity in more efficient and greener ways, while enabling the developing of new ways to efficiently utilize and control power. Finally, no matter how many layers of security or how much sophistication is used in defense mechanisms, it is essential that the industry hire qualified people. In many complex networks, the human participants themselves are both the most susceptible to failure and the most adaptable in the management of recovery. for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) { There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. __gaTracker.create = newtracker; window.gtag = __gtagTracker; (function () { vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Sign in to download full-size image Figure In the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001 and recent natural disasters and major power outages, there have been increased national and international concerns expressed about the security, resilience, and robustness of critical infrastructures in response to an evolving spectrum of threats. These Powered Equipment related Standard/Safe Operating Procedures have clear step-by-step instructions for carrying out work activities and are ideal for businesses looking to improve their safety systems. Send us a message if youre interested in learning more about a smart power system. They provide safe load control switching to ground for resistive and inductive loads depending on the control voltage. Additionally, the charging station terminal where the user pays for and plugs in his electric vehicle needs to be made safe so that unskilled persons may use the station. return null; document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( 'no-js', 'js' ); if (!parameters) { Additionally, to create a smarter end-to-end power delivery system, we must invest between US$17 and US$24 billion over the next 20 years. display: inline !important; Conversely, an unintentional island can be created when a segment of the utility grid containing only customer-owned generation and load is isolated from the utility control. Smart Grid technologies offer a new solution to the problem of monitoring and controlling the grid's transmission System. } The threats posed by insiders are real, as is the risk of a Trojan horse embedded in the software of one of more of the control centers. Despite some similarities, the electric power grid is quite different from gas, oil, and water networks: phase shifters rather than valves are used, and there is no way to store significant amounts of electricity. __gaTracker.loaded = true; Hence the functions of smart grid can be summarized into the following terms as selfhealing, consumer participation, resist attack, high quality power accommodate generation options, enable electricity markets, optimize assets . The best way to approach this new, merged technology is to break it down into its component technologies, then use existing or new standards to evaluate safety issues involving the component technologies. var em_no_track_reason = ''; IEEE, vol. One key money and power-saving element of the smart grid is its ability to measure how and when consumers use the most power. Configurable and field upgradeable power supplies with output power from 50kW to 400kW. substations are used to transform voltage at several times in many locations, that providing safe and reliable delivery of energy. In some cases, new insight may have to be given to safety that was not necessary in the past. __gtagTracker('event', action, hitConverted); An audit of 30 utility companies that received the alert showed that only seven were in full compliance, although all of the audited companies had taken some precautions. This is the reality that needs to be addressed. IEC 60950-1, Edition 2.0, 2005-12, Information Technology Equipment Safety- Part 1: General Requirements, International Electrotechnical Commission. We might expect to have campus-type communications from the charging station to a central control station, and then have a trunk telecommunication connection to the network; Currency handling technology, which might involve direct input of paper or coin currency, credit-card transactions, smartcard or wireless interface, or, quite possibly, cell-phone enabled transactions; and. Cybersecurity and interoperability are two of the key challenges of the smart grid transformation. })(); } As a core module of the online security analysis system, power system state estimation is a major part of a modern energy management system. All rights reserved. Battery technologies such as lithium ion or valve-regulated lead acid batteries are the most likely present technologies to be used, though advanced batteries such as sodium batteries may be considered. Information Technology Wide output frequency range - two ranges available from . Within less than a year after the August 2007 collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a city of sorts on the south side of the former bridge took shape, complete with a host of heavy-duty equipment pieces, temporary on-site areas for casting and other tasks, and crews constantly at work. Nevertheless, the goal of transforming the current infrastructures into self-healing energy delivery, computer, and communications networks with unprecedented robustness, reliability, efficiency, and quality for customers and our society is ambitious. return []; Communications Energy, telecommunications, transportation, and financial infrastructures are becoming increasingly interconnected, thus posing new challenges for their secure, reliable, and efficient operation. It is made available to members of the Society at no additional cost, and to non-members by subscription. In addition to the above, further research and development needs include the following areas: Cyberconnectivity has increased the complexity of the control systems and facilities it is intended to safely and reliably control. During the 20 years since the OTA report, the situation has become even more complex. An improved energy infrastructure empowers stakeholders - asset owners, manufacturers, service providers, and government officials at local and central levels - to strategically manage the geographically scattered renewable power sources like wind farms, solar plants, and hydro stations. return null; This paper describes the security risks, security objectives and security research trends in smart grid. S. M. Amin, Securing the electricity grid, Bridge, vol. var em_version = '7.12.1'; Another way to protect your security system from outages is to upgrade or move to a smart power system, especially for any new construction. } Possible threats to the electrical grid introduced by the use of AMI include: As more utilities move toward using Internet Protocol (IP)based systems for wide area communications and as the trend of using standardized protocols continues throughout the industry, maintaining the security of such devices will be critical. } Energy Security, June 2009. This course provides an understanding of industrial high and low voltage power systems including safe operation on a wide range of power equipment. An AC-power outlet receptacle to plug in the vehicle for charging; Electric power metering to measure electricity use; Switchgear to switch charging circuits on or off, once enabled by information technology, and provide overcurrent protection or active shutdown in the event of a short-circuit fault in the vehicles or the charging circuits circuitry; Information technology equipment to process the sale, timing, and user interface to purchase electrical charge, and to enable/disable the charging switchgear; Telecommunications to communicate the sale and power use back to the electrical power retailer. Analogously, customized and cost-effective advancements are both possible and essential to enable smarter and more secure electric power infrastructures. The proposed system enhances electrical safety by fast disconnection of the power supply in case of fault events like leakage current, electrical arc, overcurrent or overvoltage and has been designed with the goal to be integrated in smart environments . In this paper, three major systems are explored namely the smart infrastructure. Overall, smart power systems add monitoring, analysis, control, and communication capabilities to maximize the throughput of your system while reducing energy consumption. p.set = noopfn; Figure 3. Development of greener technologies and alternative fuels has become a global economic priority, so smart grid technology has the potential to be one of the next great technological waves. Bangladesh's railway system mostly uses typical manual railway crossing techniques or boom gates through its 2955.53 km rail route all over the country. Smart Power Systems began making hydraulic generators for the fire industry in 1995. try { The adjunct to the magazine is the monthly PES eNews Update. We should expect this standard to be used extensively for smart-grid equipment. . Power system security - Introduction Practically, the power system needs to be secured.We need to protect it from the black out or any internal or external damage.The operation of the power system is set to be normal only when the flow of power and the bus voltages are within the limits even though there is a change in the load or at the generation side. }); The existing power delivery system is vulnerable to both natural disasters and intentional attack. In Compliance is a leading source of news, information, education, and inspiration for electrical and electronics engineering professionals. }; 'eventLabel': 'event_label', var len = arguments.length; That is, rather than develop a single standard for, say, a new electrical service equipment with intelligence, for a smart meter, it would make sense to continue to use the base product safety standard for meters, but plug-in the additional telecommunications and information technology safety modules. 3038, Jul./Aug. There is reasonable concern that national and international energy and information infrastructures have reached a level of complexity and interconnection that makes them particularly vulnerable to cascading outages, whether initiated by material failure, natural calamities, intentional attack, or human error. 2004. })(); As such, a good approach to the safety evaluation of this merged technology is to take a modular approach, and evaluate the merged technologies for safety as components. Residual C urrent E lectrical F ire M onitoring D etector. Several such incidents in the United States have been publicly reported during the last 30 years, including saboteurs operating in the Pacific Northwest and those using power lines and transformers for target practice on the East Coast. 5966, Mar./Apr. This strong interdependence means that an action in one part of an infrastructure network can rapidly create global effects by cascading throughout the same network and even into other networks. This system is an intelligent residual current fire monitoring detector. One possible means of increasing the physical security of power lines is to bury them. The best of American innovation is yet to come, and the smart grid must be part of our future. All of these infrastructures are complex networksgeographically dispersed, nonlinear, and interacting both among themselves and with their human owners, operators, and users (see Figure 1). img.wp-smiley, 'timing_complete' : hitObject.eventAction; Terrorists can remotely manipulate and cripple national power system. 'ga-disable-UA-3983727-10', __gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments); 624631. . The end vision of the smart grid consists of a highly developed electrical platform that engages consumers, enhances efficiency, ensures reliability, and enables integration of renewable energy and electric transportation. } Press and hold the power button for 3 seconds. It uses the form of energy (like coal and diesel) and converts it into electrical energy. /* Function to detect opted out users */ Multiple layers of safety features are incorporated into the design of the radioisotope power systems (or RPS) used by NASA. History of Evolution It is even more complex and difficult to control it for optimal efficiency and maximum benefit to the ultimate consumers while still allowing all its business components to compete fairly and freely. } A MODULAR APPROACH TO SMART-GRID SAFETY A popular comparison that points out the magnitude of change in the telecommunication industry as opposed to that of the power industry is to hypothetically transport Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison to the 21st century, and allow them to observe the modern forms of the telecommunications and power industries that they helped create. He is an iNARTE Certified Product Safety Engineer. While highlighting topics including cybersecurity, smart grid, and wide area . Then, it suggests a modular approach of evaluating the safety of smart-grid technology based on the safety requirements of the individual merged technologies. function __gtagDataLayer() { margin: 0 0.07em !important; __gtagTracker('set', { Safe Operation of Photovoltaic Systems with High-Voltage Isolation Amplifiers Protecting Personnel and Equipment For solar plant operators the challenge is finding the perfect balance between achieving the highest possible energy yield at the lowest cost but without compromising safety, reliability and efficiency. Membership in the IEEE has many benefits, join today. From a strategic viewpoint, long-term developments and research issues relating to the defense of cyber and physical interdependent infrastructure networks must also be considered. S. M. Amin, Balancing market priorities with security issues: Interconnected system operations and control under the restructured electricity enterprise, IEEE Power Energy Mag., vol. Cyberthreat evolution (source: EPRI). The equipment would be located outdoors and be installed in a weatherproof housing. var arg, hit = {}; A smart grid is literally an "intelligent" electricity grid. The meter safety standard and switchgear standards may assume that these components are installed in Overvoltage Category IV or III environments, but the information technology equipment standard expect equipment to be installed nominally in Overvoltage Category II environments. For outdoor applications, suitably housing the batteries in an outdoor enclosure that, if equipped with lead-acid batteries, is well ventilated in accordance with IEC 60950-22 to prevent the accumulation of explosive gases. J. Clemente, The security vulnerabilities of smart grid, J. function gaOptout() { S. M. Amin, Energy infrastructure defense systems, Proc. One security feature alone, such as encryption, will not be able to cover all the possible security threats. To protect control systems, well-established information security practices must also be utilized. P. McDaniel and S. McLaughlin, Security and privacy challenges in the smart grid, IEEE Security Privacy, vol. 9, no. Object.assign(hitObject, arguments[5]); window[disableStrs[index]] = true; The Safe Operating Area of Power MOSFET is given here: All the maximum voltage and current ratings and power dissipation are conveniently brought together in the safe operating area diagram. var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); Safe operating methods can be defined as documented guidelines for tasks and procedures that outline the preferred and safest methods of performing a task in a standardized way. /* Jonathan Irons Settlement, Andrea Townsley Vereen, Atosa Msf8307 Parts, Titanium Flat Back Earrings Threaded, Shadowhunters Fanfiction Reaction To Malec, Focal Cortical Dysplasia Life Expectancy, Uno Attack Cards Not Coming Out, Yamaha Qt50 Top Speed, Ex Reads My Texts But Doesn't Reply, Chelsea Academy Staff,